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Legacy Society

Join the Legacy Society!

Photo with His Grace Archbishop Francis Leo

If you have included your parish or favourite Archdiocesan charity in your Will or estate plan, please let us know. Through the Legacy Society of the Archdiocese of Toronto, we would like to say a special thank you.

All Legacy Society members receive:

  • A hand-crafted cross, blessed by the Archbishop of Toronto.
  • A personal letter and certificate acknowledging your intention.
  • Invitations to Legacy Society functions and other special events.

To learn more about the Legacy Society, please contact the Development Office via the information further below. All Legacy Society members have the option of remaining anonymous.

Your Catholic Legacy Newsletter

Number 55 - 2023 Number 44 - Fall/Winter 2015
Number 54 - 2021 Number 43 - Spring/Summer 2015
Number 53 - 2020 Number 42 - Fall/Winter 2014​
Number 52 - Fall/Winter 2019 Number 41 - Spring/Summer 2014
Number 51 - Spring/Summer 2019 Number 40 - Fall/Winter 2013​
Number 50 - Fall/Winter 2018 ​Number 39 - Spring/Summer 2013
Number 49 - Spring/Summer 2018 Number 38 - Fall/Winter 2012
Number 48 - Fall/Winter 2017 ​Number 37 - Spring/Summer 2012
Number 47 - Spring/Summer 2017 Number 36 - Fall/Winter 2011
Number 46 - Fall/Winter 2016 Number 35 - Spring/Summer 2011
Number 45 - Spring/Summer 2016  

Contact us

Peter Okonski
Manager, Planned Giving and Personal Gifts
416-934-3411 ext. 519

Michael Penafiel
Development Coordinator
416-934-3411 ext. 561

All calls are strictly confidential.​​​