National Association of Catholic Nurses - Canada
Contact Information:
PO Box 19525, Manulife PO
M4W 3T9
(905) 399-8253
Mrs. Louela Manankil
Known As:
Mission Statement:
The Association is established to support and strengthen the vocation of nurses and other health professionals within the apostolic tradition of the Catholic Church. It is a community that seeks the guidance of the Holy Spirit through an ever-wider involvement of health professionals who wish to align their practice with Catholic teaching. It holds that Catholic nurses and other health professionals practice their professions as a vocation anchored in the Word, nourished through the sacraments, and in personal witness to Christ, bearing testimony to Him by his or her life and professional practice.
Advocacy and Promotion - Pro Life
Advocacy and Promotion - Vocations
Education & Formation - Health Care / Life Issues (Family Planning, Sexuality)