Welcome to our Event Submission page. Please complete each of the required fields on the page and please ensure that all contact information you provide is correct and valid. Once submitted it will be reviewed. Providing that it's been approved, it will be then posted to the public and available for viewing.
We receive many requests for promotion/publicity and may not be able to post individual events for any number of reasons. The Archdiocese of Toronto reserves the right to make a final determination on the posting of community events. Thank you for your understanding.
Event Submission Guidelines:
- Please keep submissions around 100 words or less, and any images submitted are copyright-free.
- For compatibility with screen readers, please ensure that images uploaded via the "Optional image" section contains minimal text and has a file name which describes the image (e.g., Stained Glass Window, Logo of..., etc.).
- Please include contact information (phone, email, website) inside the "Event details" box. If you wish to link to a poster and/or a webpage, you may also place the link in this section. Click here to view a sample event submission with the preferred format.
- If your event includes presenters/hosts (clergy or lay people) from outside the Archdiocese of Toronto, please note that the Visiting Clergy-Laity Protocol applies. This includes virtual/online events. After submitting your event, please submit documentation to communications@archtoronto.org.
- Additional protocols apply to the following events: