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Pastoral Plan - Group Reflection

The following are questions for discussion at parish meetings or for personal reflection.​

P​​ar​ish Life

  1. What does it mean to have an “engaged parish?”
  2. Why is it impor​tant for parishioners to be involved in a parish community beyond attending Mass on Sunday?
  3. What can we do to reach out to members of our parish who are not currently involved in our ministries or programs? What are we doing​ to make parishioners aware of the activities taking place in our community?
  4. How can each member of our parish be encouraged to use their unique gifts and talents in service of the Church? Do our ministries reflect the interests and demographics of our parish (e.g, family and youth, students, young adults, men and women, and the elderly)?
  5. If someone were visiting our parish on the weekend, what would they tell a friend about us?
  6. What does our parish do really well? What area do we need to improve?​


  1. What are we doing as a parish community to ensure that the laity are formed and encouraged in their vocation to be witnesses of the Gospel in the world?
  2. What does it mean to “discern one’s vocation?” How is discernment being fostered and encouraged in our community?
  3. How can we encourage young people to realize their vocation? What structures are in place or need to be in place to guide youth in the discernment of God’s call for their lives?
  4. Why is ongoing formation important for both laity and clergy?
  5. What is your own personal vocation story?

Evangelization of ​​Society​

  1. Who were some key people in my life who shared the Gospel message with me? How did hearing about God’s love and forgiveness change my life?
  2. How could telling someone about Jesus be a loving thing to do?
  3. What are some barriers that hold us back from spreading the message of Christ?
  4. How could new online tools such as websites, blogs, email, Twitter and Facebook spread the word about events in ​our parish and work toward the greater goal of bringing more souls to know and love Christ? How are we currently making use of technology?
  5. How can families, parishes and Catholic schools work together to ensure that our faith is being passed on to the next generation? What role does each of these institutions play in the catechesis of young people in our community?

Catholic Outreach i​​​n Justice and Love​

  1. What does it mean to “show the presence of Christ” to the poor and marginalized? What is the motivation to perform good works?
  2. Jesus’ coming is referred to as “the Word becoming flesh” (John 1:14). How do we “enflesh” the Word?
  3. Who can be the recipients of our social justice efforts (think local, regional and global)?
  4. In what ways can we work to make our parish outreach and justice initiatives more fruitful? Are there areas that we should devote more or less time to?
  5. In the call to give of our time, talent and treasure, is there one area that we can work on strengthening?
  6. How can different groups within our parish collaborate to strengthen justice and outreach initiatives in our community?
  7. Recall a moving example of service and outreach that was transformative for you.

The Cathedral as a Sign​​​​ of Our Mission

  1. How does the Cathedral act as a “sign of our mission”?
  2. How can art, music and architecture aid in worship?
  3. Why is St. Michael’s Cathedral an important fixture in the downtown Toronto core? What does the Cathedral mean for people who frequent the area or come to the city as visitors?
  4. What role does St. Michael’s Cathedral play in the lives of the faithful scattered throughout our diverse diocese?
  5. Have you ever been to the cathedral or an historic church worldwide? What are your recollections?