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Evangelization of Society​

PP Evangelization of Society

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” 
– Mark 16:15

The “New Evangelization,” simply put, is appreciating the joy that faith in Christ brings us and sharing it with others. We will strive to ensure the voice of faith is heard in the public square. We believe the world needs the gospel proclaimed now more than ever. Practically, we need to strengthen our public witness, and to provide informed Catholic voices by working with schools, universities and other institutions. We will utilize modern technology to participate in the dialogue, through religious and secular media, embracing social media and other tools that will lift up the gospel and provide powerful instruments of evangelization throughout our archdiocese.​


  1. Collaborate with Catholic academic institutions to strengthen the church’s intellectual witness in our culture
  2. An ongoing partnership among the archdiocese, parishes, our publicly funded Catholic schools and students attending secular schools
  3. Collaborate with Catholic academic institutions to promote education, catechesis and the formation in faith and holiness for those in all areas of society
  4. Collaborate with Catholic media and communication agencies to engage the culture through media and social communication initiatives
  5. Collaborate in developing formation and training for those engaged in the intellectual apostolate, social communications and media

Questions for Discussion
To be used at parish meetings, personal reflection, etc.​

  1. Who were some key people in my life who shared the Gospel message with me? How did hearing about God’s love and forgiveness change my life?
  2. How could telling someone about Jesus be a loving thing to do?
  3. What are some barriers that hold us back from spreading the message of Christ?
  4. How could new online tools such as websites, blogs, email, Twitter and Facebook spread the word about events in our parish and work toward the greater goal of bringing more souls to know and love Christ? How are we currently making use of technology?
  5. How can families, parishes and Catholic schools work together to ensure that our faith is being passed on to the next generation? What role does each of these institutions play in the catechesis of young people in our community?

Lord, in a world where the “harvest is abundant but the labourers are few,” we accept the call to witness the message of your love and forgiveness through our words and actions. Give us strength to overcome trials and persevere in this great and challenging mission. May we always be motivated to act out of love for you and for others, knowing that we are instruments of your grace.  We thank you for the many tools you give us to share the Gospel in our modern world. Amen.

Prayers of the Faithful
We pray for the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan and its call to evangelize our society. We ask for the courage as individuals and a parish community to be witnesses of your love in a broken world. We pray to the Lord.

Additional Resources​