Hands of health care worker and patient

Palliative Care (End-of-Life Care)

Only a third of Canadians have access to quality palliative (end-of-life) care.

We know that if those who are sick and dying are surrounded by loving care and pain management, fewer would seek euthanasia/assisted suicide as a solution to their pain or loneliness.

We need access to palliative care for every person facing their final days.


  • Palliative care:
    • Can be offered in the home or in a hospice setting.
    • Offers a supportive environment for loved ones caring for a sick relative.
    • Affirms life and views dying as a normal process. It neither hastens nor prolongs death.
  • Studies have shown that those close to death often fear pain and loneliness. Palliative care helps control pain and provides patients with a loving and caring environment.
  • There is great concern that euthanasia proponents are now advocating that palliative care facilities should offer euthanasia/assisted suicide on their premises.
