Couples for Christ Ontario Inc.
Contact Information:
647 3828810
Seminarian/lay person Joselito Dizon
Known As:
Couples for Christ
Mission Statement:
Couples for Christ or CFC was established by 16 married couples in Manila , Philippines in 1981 when a local Christian community tried a new approach in evangelizing married couples. The method used consisted of bringing together a small group of prospective couples in a private home. There they were brought to a living relationship with Jesus Christ and to renewal in the power of the Holy Spirit through a series of weekly informal discussions of the gospel in a social environment .Soon, CFC became a Christian family life renewal program made available to parishes and groups of married couples who wished to live out their Christian life in an active supportive relationship with one another.Through the years, CFC has blossomed into a worldwide ministry, becoming a major force for the renewal of the Christian family life and also of the church. On 11 March 2000, the Pontifical council of the laity decreed recognition of Couples for Christ as international association of the faithful of pontifical right. We are almost 700,000 members spread in 122 countries . We develop through the zeal and initiatives of members who have migrated to other countries and desire to get organized in order to continue the CFC way of life or through our CFC international missionaries who are sent to countries that ask for assistance in establishing Couples for Christ and its Family ministries in their countries.
Education & Formation - Family Life Programs (Marriage Enrichment, Singles, Engaged, Separated)