Upcoming events are reguarly posted on our Facebook page. Below, you will find a curated list of both upcoming and past events that may be of interest to you.
Some of the events sponsored and recommended by our Office in 2025:
2025 EVENTS | DATE |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: Waiting for the Kingdom and the Life to Come November 29, 2025, 5 p.m. ET Sisterhood of St. John the Divine 233 Cummer Ave., North York, ON, M2M 2E8 For more information, please see the poster here. |
29/11/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: The Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life and Joy October 26, 2025, 4 p.m. ET Swedish Lutheran Church Toronto 1847 Bayview Ave., Toronto, ON, M4G 3E4 For more information, please see the poster here. |
26/10/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: Baptism into the Death and Ressurection of the Lord October 19, 2025, 7 p.m. ET Yorkminster Park Baptist Church 1585 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, M4T 1Z9 For more information, please see the poster here. |
19/10/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: The Church: Community of Believers September, 2025, Exact date & time TBA Salvation Army, Brampton Citadel Community Church 9395 Bramalea Rd., Brampton, ON, L6S 4B7 For more information, please see the poster here. |
09/2025 |
In-Person: Summer Course: Centro Pro Unione Course in Ecumenism June 23 - July 11, 2025 Rome, Italy For more information, please click here. The application deadline is March 31, 2025. |
23/06/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: The Paschal Mystery: The Incarnation, Passion, Death, and Ressurection of Jesus June 1, 2025, 11:30 a.m. ET St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 209 Cochrane St., Whitby, ON, L1N 5H9 For more information, please see the poster here. |
01/06/2025 |
Online: Speaking Across Difference: Navigating Dialogue in Polarized Times |
14/05/2025 |
In-Person: The Interfaith Bridge: Then and Now: A Night to Remember |
14/05/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: The Incarnation of the Son Sunday, May 4, 2025, 2 p.m. ET St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church 45 Ferrier St., Markham, ON, L3R 5Z2 For more information, please see the poster here. |
04/05/2025 |
In-Person: Yom Hashoah V'Hagvurah (Holocaust): Community Commemoration 2025 |
23/04/2025 |
Online (Livestream): The 2025 ICJS Silber-Obrecht Lecture: What does it Mean to be Human? Tuesday, April 22, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. ET For more information and to register, click here. |
22/04/2025 |
Online: Genocide: The Greatest Crime April 17, 2025, 4 p.m. ET More information and register here. |
17/04/2025 |
Online: How We Remember: The Legacy of the Holocaust Today April 14 - 27, 2025, 7 a.m. ET For more information and to register, click here. |
14/04/2025 |
Online: Responding to Crisis: Reparative Reasoning in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Sunday, April 6, 2025, 1 to 6 p.m., Monday, April 7, 2025, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET More information and register here. |
06/04/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: Creation as God's Work April 6, 2025, 1 - 2:30 p.m. ET Northlea United Church 125 Brentcliffe Rd., East York, ON, M4G 3Y7 For more information, please see the poster here. |
06/04/2025 |
In-Person: One Body, Many Parts, Thornhill Ministerial Lenten Series 2025: The Work of the Body April 6, 2025, 4 p.m. ET St. Luke's Roman Catholic Church 39 Green Ln.,Thornhill, ON, L3T 6K5 |
06/04/2025 |
Online: The Religious Dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict |
30/03/2025 |
In-Person: Closer Than We Think: 60 Years of Jewish-Christian Relations & their Importance to the Church March 29, 2025, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET St. Joan of Arc Church 1701 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON, M6P 1B1 Registration is optional: NDSionToronto@gmail.com. For more information, please see the poster here. |
29/03/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: 1700 Years Nicene Creed: Sources, Meaning, and Lasting Impact March 25, 2025, 6:30 p.m. ET Charbonnel Lounge 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto, ON M5S 4J4 More information here. |
25/03/2025 |
Online: Who Shall Cross? A Talmudic Reimagining of the Passover Narrative |
24/03/2025 |
Online: Jewish Foundations of the New Testament: Addressing Interpretations of Antisemitism March 24, 2025, 12 p.m. ET More information and register here. |
24/03/2025 |
In-Person: One Body, Many Parts, Thornhill Ministerial Lenten Series 2025: The Diversity of the Body March 23, 2025, 4 p.m. ET Thornhill United Church 25 Elgin St.,Thornhill, ON, L3T 1W5 |
23/03/2025 |
Online: The Bishop of Rome and Christian Unity March 18, 2025, 11 a.m. ET For more information and to register, please click here. |
18/03/2025 |
Online: Christian-Jewish Clergy Partners: Re-engaging after October 7 and Gaza March 18: Encounering Judaism as Christian Clergy April 8: From No Home to Two Homes: Israel as a Jewish State April 22: Power and Vulnerability May 6: Palestinian Voices May 20: Solidarity and Critique More information and register here. |
18/03/2025 |
Online: Embracing the Mystery of Purim March 10, 2025, 1 - 2 p.m. EST More information and register here. |
10/03/2025 |
In-Person: One Body, Many Parts, Thornhill Ministerial Lenten Series 2025: Unity of the Body March 9, 2025, 4 p.m. Thornhill Baptist Church 8018 Yonge St.,Thornhill, ON, L3T 2C5 |
09/03/2025 |
In-Person: Ontario Prayer Breakfast 2025 March 06, 2025, 7:15 a.m. - 9 a.m. EST Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel 123 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON Please visit https://ontarioprayerbreakfast.ca/ for more details, and to register. |
06/03/2025 |
In-Person: Friars Student Essay Writing Contest Award Ceremony 2025 The prize winners received their awards at a post-Mass ceremony. Sunday, March 2, 2025 - 12:15 p.m. EST St. Teresa Roman Catholic Church 100 Tenth St., Etobicoke, ON, M8V 3G1 Photo of the winners. |
02/03/2025 |
Online & In-Person: Grounding in God: Care of the Soul in a Time of Chaos March 01, 2025, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST St. Thomas' Anglican Church 383 Huron St., Toronto, ON, M5S 2G5 Please click here to register. |
01/03/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: The Fatherhood and Care of God who Rules the Universe February 15, 2025, 10 a.m. EST St. George's Memorial Church 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa, ON, L1H 3Z9 For more information, please see the poster here. |
15/02/2025 |
Online: Easter 2025: Celebrating together to strengthen unity, WCC Faith & Order February 13, 2025, 10 a.m. EST For more information and to register, please click here. |
13/02/2025 |
Online: Understanding Judaism: A Concept-Oriented Approach February 12, 2025, 4 p.m. EST For more information and to register, please click here. |
12/02/2025 |
Online: Fostering Healing Conversations: How Ancient Texts and Modern Reflections Help Us Care February 10, 2025, 1 - 2 p.m. EST For more information and to register, please click here. |
10/02/2025 |
Online: Do Jews and Christians Love the Same Way? February 10, 2025, 8 - 9:30 p.m. EST See details and register here. |
10/02/2025 |
In-Person: Shabbat Service and Celebratory Dinner for Christian Friends and Partners January 31, 2025, 5:30 p.m. EST Holy Blossom Temple 1950 Bathurst St., Toronto ON |
31/01/2025 |
In-Person: Festival of Faith for Christian Unity: A Fourth-Century Hero of the Nicene Creed January 28, 2025, 6:30 p.m. EST Charbonnel Lounge 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 4J4. More information and register here. |
28/01/2025 |
Online: Perceptions of the Holocaust on Social Media January 28, 2025, 11:15 a.m. EST For more information and to register, please click here. |
28/01/2025 |
In-Person: Christian Jewish Dialogue of Toronto Commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrace Day January 27, 2025, 6 p.m. EST Danforth Multifaith Commons 310 Danforth Ave., Toronto, ON, M4K 1N6 Poster for the event can be found here. |
27/01/2025 |
In-Person: Toronto School of Theology Ecumenical Service During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 22, 2025, 1 - 2 p.m. EST Knox College Chapel 59 St. George Street, Toronto ON, M5S 2E6 For more information, please click here. |
22/01/2025 |
Online: Here Comes Nicaea 2025 January 22, 2025, 8 p.m. EST: Are we Ready for Visible Unity? January 23, 2025, 8 p.m. EST: Are we Ready to Share the Apostolic Faith Together? Both talks will be streamed live at this link: https://bit.ly/Demargerie2025 |
22/01/2025 |
In-Person: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Prayer Service 2025 Launch of Festival of Faith 2025 "A Journey Through the Nicene Creed: Reflection and Prayer" January 19, 2025, 4 p.m. EST North City Church 377 Woodbridge Ave., Woodbridge ON, L4L 2V7 Poster for the event can be found here. Video. |
19/01/2025 |
Online: Resources for the Commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 14, 2025, 4 p.m. EST - Countering Denial and Distortion with Testimony-Based Holocaust Education January 16, 2025, 4 p.m. EST - Teaching the Holocaust Using the Humanities: Integrating Visual and Literary Art to Tell the Human Story January 27, 2025, 1 p.m. EST - Commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day: A Reflection on Liberation, 80 Years Later |
14/01/2025 |
In-Person: Mass of Thanksgiving for the Elevation of His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo Ecumenical and Jewish Guests January 15, 2025, 7 - 9 p.m. EST St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica 65 Bond St., Toronto, ON, M5B 1X1 Photo here. |
15/01/2025 |
Online: Journeying Through Lent with an Interreligious Lens: A Workshop for Christian Clergy January 7, 14, and 21, 12 - 1 p.m. EST More information and register here. |
2024 EVENTS | DATE |
In-Person: Lessons and Carols December 22, 2024, 4:30 p.m. EST Yorkminster Park Baptist Church 1585 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4T 1Z9 Video here. For further details, contact Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes @ jpholmes@yorkminsterpark.com. |
22/12/2024 |
Online: Ecumenical Fruits and Lessons from the Synod on Synodality December 12, 2024, 12 p.m. EST Via Zoom For more details and to register, please click here. |
12/12/2024 |
Online: Trends, Research Gaps, and Future Directions in the Study of Online Antisemitism December 8, 2024, 12 p.m. EST Register here. Video here. |
08/12/24 |
In-Person: The Christmas Story December 7, 8, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 2024 The Church of the Holy Trinity, 19 Trinity Square, Toronto Register here. |
07/12/2024 |
Celebrating 80 Years of Unity & Diversity: What Gives Life to the Ecumenical Movement in Canada and the World This event celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Canadian Council of Churches. The speakers included Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator of the United Church of Canada, and Leah Reesor-Keller, Transitional Executive Director for KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. December 5, 2024, 7 - 9 p.m. EST Trinity College Chapel, 6 Hoskin Ave., Toronto, ON. Read Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay's address here: "What is giving life to the one ecumenical movement in Canada and globally?" |
05/12/2024 |
In-Person: "Bells on Bay Street": Annual Christian Faith and Business Prayer Breakfast for Christmas December 2, 2024 Toronto, ON |
02/12/2024 |
In-Person: Iona Service December 1, 2024, 7 p.m. EST Yorkminster Park Baptist Church 1585 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4T 1Z9 For further details, contact Rev. Dr. Peter Holmes @ jpholmes@yorkminsterpark.com |
01/12/2024 |
In-Person: Heaven is Coming: Songs of Hope with Kate Williams and Friends December 1, 2024, 7 p.m. EST St. Andrew's United Church 117 Bloor St. E., Toronto, ON Free Admission. |
01/12/2024 |
Hybrid Advent Retreat: New Life Beside Still Waters Saturday, November 30, 2024, 10:30 a.m. EST St. Thomas' Anglican Church & Zoom 383 Huron Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 2G5 See details and register here. |
30/11/2024 |
Online: The Origins of the Nation Israel: Biblical, Historical, and Archaeological Data Monday, November 25, 2024, 1 - 2 p.m. EST See details and register here. Video. |
25/11/2024 |
Online: October 7th and the Shoah Sunday, November 24, 2024, 12 p.m. EST More information and register here. Video. |
24/11/2024 |
Online: Many Voices, One Stand: Combating Antisemitism Worldwide Thursday, November 21, 2024, 12 p.m. EST See details and register here. |
21/11/2024 |
National Workshop on Christian Unity Annual Meeting November 18-21, 2024 Chicago, USA Photo from the event. |
18/11/2024 |
Ecumenical Officers Annual Meeting (WDECE) November 14-16, 2024 Cochrane, Alberta |
14/11/2024 |
In-Person Event: An Evening with Deborah Lyons, Canada's Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism Wednesday, November 16, 2024 at 7 p.m. EST Holy Blossom Temple 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9 Video. |
16/11/2024 |
Friar's Student Writing Contest 2025 (November 11, 2024 - January 13, 2025) Students in Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Toronto between the ages of 13 and 19 are invited to participate in this annual event. It is a part of the worldwide celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) from January 18-25. |
11/11/2024 |
Online: Search Me, O God: A Musical Exploration of the Psalms November 7 2024, 5 - 6 p.m. EST See details and register here. Video. |
07/11/2024 |
Online: Kristallnacht, Kindertransport, and Return to Life: A Conversation with Holocaust Survivor Renate Zelovic November 7, 2024, 1 p.m. EST See details and register here. |
07/11/2024 |
45th Annual Cardinal's Dinner November 5, 2024, 7 p.m. Jewish and Christian communities were among the guests. For more information, click here. To see photos, click here and here. |
05/11/2024 |
Online Series: Holocaust Education Week: Kristallnacht November 4 - 10, 2024 Lesson Plan, Interactive Resource, & Digital Student Activity. |
04/11/2024 |
In-Person: Ecumenical Prayer Service for the Witness of Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky November 01, 2024, 7 p.m. EST St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church 770 Queen St., West, Toronto, ON M6J 1G4 For more details, contact Rev. Dr. Alexander M. Laschuk @ alaschuk@archtoronto.org |
01/11/2024 |
Online: For Such a Time as This: Being Jewish After October 7 Sunday, October 27, 2024, 12 p.m. EST See details and register here. Video. |
27/10/2024 |
In-Person: Proclamation: “The Word of the Lord” A Toronto Wide 3-Day Event of Reading the Bible Publicly In partnership the Canadian Bible Society and the Archdiocese of Toronto. October 25-27, 2024 See poster for details. For more information contact Kevin Schlechter @ kschlechter@biblesociety.ca |
25/10/2024 |
Online: Sixth Annual Paul Wattson Lecture Global Christian Forum: Reshaping the Global Christian Ecumenical Landscape October 23, 2024, 7 - 8 p.m. EST Register here. |
23/10/2024 |
In-Person: Orthodoxy, Human Rights and Christian Politics Action October 23, 2024 6:30 p.m. EST St. John the Compassionate Mission 155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, ON M4M 2E9 See poster for details. |
23/10/2024 |
Exploratory Coptic-Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue October 17-18, 2024 Ottawa, ON Picture from the event. |
17/10/2024 |
Online Series: Foundations of Holocaust Education Modules Open Monday October 7 2024 and Close Monday November 4 2024 See details and register here. |
07/10/2024 |
Online: Online Antisemitism Before and After October 7 October 6, 2024, 12 p.m. EST Video here. Article. |
06/10/2024 |
In-Person: Seminar: Sharing the Faith with a New Generation: Ecumenical Perspectives (Opportunities & Challenges) September 28, 2024 - 9:00 a.m. EST The Church in Toronto 671 Sheppard Ave E., North York, ON M2K 1B6 See details & Register. |
28/09/2024 |
In-Person: 2024 North American Academy of Ecumenists (NAAE): Memory, Truth, and Reconciliation September 27-29, 2024 Registration is now open for the North American Academy of Ecumenists (NAAE) 2024 Annual Conference, to be held at the Toronto School of Theology, Toronto, Ontario. Registration Open Now. |
27/09/2024 |
In-Person: Gates of Gaza: A Story of Betrayal, Survival, and Hope in Israel's Borderlands September 26, 2024, 7 p.m. Beth Sholom Synagogue 1445 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON Register here. |
26/09/2024 |
Online: Night: A Deeper Dive into the Jewish Elements & Symbolism Setember 25, 2024, 4 p.m. EST See details and register here. |
25/09/2024 |
Online: Soloveitchik’s Children Confront Christianity September 23, 2024 - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. EST Video. |
23/09/2024 |
Online: Shemini Atzeret, Rain, & Ressurection September 23, 2024 Video here. |
23/09/2024 |
Israel & Gaza: ICJS Resources Dialogue Despite Difference—To Grieve and Mourn, To Reach Out and Dialogue, To Stand Up Against Religious Bias and Bigotry View here. |
In-Person: Taizé-Style Prayer September 18, 2024 - 7:30 p.m. EST Northlea United Church 125 Brentcliffe Road, Toronto ON M4G 3Y7 See poster for details. Photo from event. |
18/09/2024 |
Online: The Future of Campus Antisemitism after October 7 September 15, 2024, 12 p.m. EST Video. |
15/09/2027 |
In-Person: Christian Citizenship Symposium September 13, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. EST Jesus Is Lord Church - Cornerstone Toronto 85 Christie St., Toronto, ON M6G 3B1 See details for registration. |
13/09/2024 |
Online: Between the Lines: Torah and Technology-Circuits, Cells and the Sacred Path September 10, 2024 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST This event is part of Between the Lines: Author Conversations from The Library of JTS Register. |
10/09/2024 |
Online: Responding to Change: Lessons from Tisha B’Av In this session before Tisha B’Av, Dr. Sarah Wolf and Dr. Benjamin Sommer explore the rabbis’ response to the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E. as a model for how to grapple with this challenge. Together, they reflect on their intentional (and successful!) responses and the resulting shifts that shaped Judaism. Tisha B’Av’s relevance comes not only from the opportunity to mourn Jewish tragedy, but from its lessons about creativity and dynamism in the wake of change. Video recording of the webinar. |
08/08/2024 |
In-Person: Greek Orthodox Service of Intercessory Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary August 2, 2024 - 7:00 p.m. EST Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral 136 Sorauren Avenue, Toronto ON M6R 2E See poster for details. |
02/08/2024 |
In-Person: An Evening of Solidarity Against Hate July 31, 2024 - 7:00 p.m. EST Pride of Israel Synagogue 59 Lissom Cres. Toronto See details. |
31/07/2024 |
Online: The Great Deportation: The Turning Point of the Warsaw Ghetto July 29, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. EST Register. |
29/07/2024 |
Online: What Made Germany Vulnerable to Nazism? July 23, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. EST Register. |
23/07/2024 |
In-Person: Christian Meditation: Introductory Session July 10, 2024 - 7:30 p.m. EST Holy Rosary Catholic Church Christian Meditation Group 354 St. Clair Ave., West, Toronto, ON M5P 1N4 See poster for details. |
10/07/2024 |
Online: Teaching about Contemporary Antisemitism, July 2024 Jul 8, 2024 - Aug 5, 2024 Register. |
08/07/2024 |
Hybrid: “From Anxiety to Peace”: Christian Meditation 2024 Retreat July 5 to July 7 - 2024 University of British Columbia Totem Park, 2525 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1W9 (Online participation for the conferences and meditation sessions is available, registration for online will close on July 1, 2024) See details for registration. |
05/07/2024 |
In-Person: ‘The Ever-Present Origin’ by The Canadian Christian Meditation Community (CCMC) July 2, 2024 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. EST St. Paul’s on Bloor, 227 Bloor St. E., Toronto, ON M4W 1C8 Register. For more information, contact Elaine Mills @ elaine.louise.mills@gmail.com |
02/07/2024 |
In-Person: The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) Triennial Forum of Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogues June 27-29, 2024 Hosted by CCCB @ St. Augustine’s Seminary, Toronto. Video. |
27/06/2024 |
In-Person: ACBO Ecumenical and Interfaith Directors Annual Meeting June 26-27, 2024 Hosted by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario (ACBO). @St. Augustine’s Seminary, Toronto. |
26/06/2024 |
In-Person: The Annual Orthodox-Catholic Bishops Fraternal Luncheon in honour of Saints Peter and Paul June 26, 2024 Hosted by the Archdiocese of Toronto at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica Rectory. Photo |
26/06/2024 |
In-Person: Summer Course: Centro Pro Unione Course in Ecumenism & Interreligious Dialogue June 24-July 12, 2024 See details for registration. |
24/06/2024 |
Theological and ecumenical presentation of the document, "The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Dialogues and Responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint” will be held at the Angelicum Institute. It will be live streamed on the Angelicum’s YouTube Channel on Thursday June 13, 2024 (5:00-6:30 p.m. Rome Time). |
13/06/2024 |
"The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Dialogues and Responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint." A document from the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity. A press conference will be held on Thursday June 13,2024 (11:30 a.m. Rome time) and live streamed on the Vatican News YouTube channel. |
13/06/2024 |
In-Person: Guided Nature Walk of Christian and First Peoples Unity June 09, 2024 - 2 p.m. EST West Deane Park, 19 Sedgebrook Crescent, Etobicoke, ON M9B 2X2 See poster for details. |
09/06/2024 |
Online: What Is the Torah, Actually? Preparing for Shavuot June 3, 2024 -1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Part of JTS’s spring learning series Timely Insights, Timeless Wisdom Register. Video |
03/06/2024 |
In-Person: “Peace Is A Song We Share” Book Launch: Dr. Murray Watson’s book that builds upon the work of the interfaith pioneer André Chouraqui. May 16, 2024 - 7:00 p.m. EST Temple Har Zion, 7360 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, ON Pre-registration for this free event is required. See poster for details. |
16/05/2024 |
Online: Book Talk: Democracy, Religion, and Ethics in Today's Israel A conversation with Dr. Mikhael Manekin May 15, 2024 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EST Register to get Zoom link. Video |
15/05/2024 |
In-Person: A Turning Point in Jewish History May 14, 2024 - 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. EST Beth Tzedec Congregation, 1700 Bathurst St., Toronto. Register. |
14/05/2024 |
In-Person: Anglican Evensong May 12, 2024 - 4:30 p.m. EST The Cathedral Church of St. James 106 King St., East, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9 See poster for details. Video |
12/05/2024 |
In-Person: Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah - Commemoration of the Holocaust Annual Yom Hashoah community commemoration. May 5, 2024 - 7:00 p.m. EST Beth Emeth Synagogue, 100 Elder St, North York, ON M3H 5G7 Register. |
05/05/2024 |
Online: We Dwell in Common: Ecumenical Resources for Interfaith Engagement May 1, 2024 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST An international, interfaith panel explores the relationships between intra-religious reconciliation and inter-religious peacebuilding. By Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute. Register. |
01/05/2024 |
In-Person: Vespers Celebrating St. Gregory of Narek as Abbot and Doctor of the Catholic Church April 27, 2024 - 6 p.m. EST Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church. 920 Progress Ave., Scarborough, ON M1G 3T5. See a poster for details. The Photographs and the Video of the event. |
27/04/2024 |
Online: The Ecumenical Future: Symposium to Honor Fr. Crossin’s Legacy April 18, 2024 - 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. EST By the Washington Theological Consortium. Register. |
18/04/2024 |
Online: Origins of the Passover Seder: The Passover Haggadah: Questions and Answers Part of JTS's spring learning series Timely Insights, Timeless Wisdom April 15, 2024 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register. Video |
15/04/2024 |
Online: Odes of Saint Nersess the Graceful April 15, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. EST A Conversation with Jesse S. Arlen and Matthew J. Sarkisian By Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University. Register. |
15/04/2024 |
Online: Antisemitism and Allyship: Assessing the Present, Imagining the Future April 8-9, 2024 The timely topic of antisemitism and how best to respond to its threat was discussed by the various experts. Video recording of all the sessions are available for your interest. |
08/04/2024 |
Online: Religious Dimension of the Israeli/Palestinian Dispute April 7, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
07/04/2024 |
Online: A Book Event for Shai Held's "Judaism Is About Love" Turning Suffering into Love: The Bible's Moral Revolution - A Dialogue between Shai Held and Stephen Pope. April 3, 2024 - 5:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
03/04/2024 |
Online: Restoring the Gospels’ Jewish Voice \ Redonner aux Évangiles leur voix juive March 18, 2024 - 7:00 p.m. EST Register. |
18/03/2024 |
Online: Matthew Thiessen, “A Jewish Paul: Restoring the Apostle Paul to His Roots” March 12, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
12/03/2024 |
Online: Mordecai the Jew and Esther the Greek: The Changing Politics of the Book of Esther in Antiquity and Our Times March 18, 2024 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
11/03/2024 |
In-Person: Friars Student Essay Writing Contest Award Ceremony 2024 The prize winners will receive their awards at a post-Mass ceremony. Sunday, March 10, 2024 - 12:15 p.m. EST Venue: St. Luke's Catholic Church 39 Green Ln., (Bayview/John St.) Thornhill, ON L3T 6K5 Presiding: Bishop John Boissonneau. Photo |
10/03/2024 |
In-Person: Ontario Prayer Breakfast 2024 March 7, 2024 - 7:15 - 9:00 a.m. EST Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel 123 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 2M9 For participation and more details register. |
07/03/2024 |
In-Person: Spring 2024 Royackers Lecture: “Looking for God in Concentration Camps: Responsible Theological Engagement of the Holocaust.” March 6, 2024 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. EST Regis College 100 Wellesley Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 2Z5 Register. |
06/03/2024 |
Online: The Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Lecture 2024: Recovering a Jewish Jesus: An Imperative for the Church March 4, 2024 - 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
04/03/2024 |
In-Person: Festival of Prayer: No Longer Strangers: An Ecumenical Prayer Service for Young Adults An Ecumenical evening of Prayer and Worship for Christian Unity for Students and Young Adults. February 26, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. EST See a poster for details. |
26/02/2024 |
Online: From Nicaea Walking Together to Unity: The Beginning of a New Beginning February 16, 2024 Video recording. |
16/02/2024 |
Online Lenten Retreat: “Through the Cross to the Light” February 14 to March 31, 2024 This online retreat has significance for Catholics and especially our work with the Jewish community. Participating in this retreat, we will be inspired to live the virtues of humility, courage, and hope reflecting on the life of Father Jacques de Jésus (1900-1945) whose beatification process is underway. Register. |
14/02/2024 |
Symposium: Addressing Antisemitism: Contemporary Challenges February 12, 2024 Session 1: What is Antisemitism? Definitions and Debates Session 2: Antisemitism in the United States: Between Politics and Religion Session 3: Antisemitism in Europe: Between Authoritarian Populism and Radical Islamism Session 4: Antisemitism, Technology, and Culture: Modes of Dissemination Session 5: Responding to Antisemitism: From Scholarship to Activism Sponsored by: Center for Jewish History |
12/02/2024 |
Online: Confronting Antisemitism and Islamophobia as Chaplains February 8, 2024 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
08/02/2024 |
Online: "Where Do We Go from Here? Rising Antisemitism and Jewish-Christian Relations January 31, 2024 - 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. EST Video Recording. |
31/01/2024 |
Symposium: “Addressing Antisemitism: Contemporary Challenges” January 28, 2024 Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism: Video Recording of the sessions. |
28/01/2024 |
In-Person: International Holocaust Remembrance Day Family Sunday January 28, 2024 - 1:00 p.m. EST Toronto Holocaust Museum, 4588 Bathurst St., North York, ON M2R 1W6 See details and register. |
28/01/2024 |
Online: Antisemitism in Biblical Interpretation by Dr. Amy-Jill Levine January 28, 2024 - 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. EST Presented by the Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto Register. |
28/01/2024 |
Online: To Infinity and Beyond: Resiliency by Teenagers during the Holocaust January 25, 2024 - 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
25/01/2024 |
Online: "The Global Phenomenon of Conspiratorial Antisemitism" January 21, 2024 - 12: p.m. EST Register. Video |
21/01/2024 |
In-Person: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Prayer Service 2024 Launch of Festival of Prayer 2024 ‘The Beauty of Holiness’ January 21, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. EST St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Cathedral, 455 Ferrier St., (Steeles Ave. E. & Warden Ave.), Markham, ON L3R 5Z2 For details, see the poster. Video recording of the service is available Here. |
21/01/2024 |
Installation of the new Rector and Dean: The Cathedral Church of St. James Toronto January 14, 2024 - 4:30 p.m. EST The Very Rev. Dr. Stephen Hance was installed as the 14th Rector of the Cathedral Church of St. James, and the 9th Dean of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. See details. Group photo. |
14/01/2024 |
Some of the events sponsored and recommended by our Office in 2023:
Online event: Twenty-sixth Annual Conference in Honor of the Servant of God Father Paul Wattson and Mother Lurana White Theme: Towards reconciliation among Christians and Churches December 14, 2023- 12:00 p.m. EST Register. |
14/12/23 |
Online event: Friendship in the City: Community, Political Theory, and Jewish Thought (Fall learning series, “Two Are Better Than One:” Friendship in Jewish Text, Thought, and Life) December 11, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST With Dr. Shira Billet, Assistant Professor of Jewish Thought and Ethics, JTS. Register. Video |
11/12/23 |
In-Person: Bells on Bay St. (Toronto) - Unlocking Christmas December 6, 2023 - 7:15 - 8:45 a.m. EST Arcadian Court 401 Bay Street, 8th Floor Toronto, ON M5H 2Y4 Register. |
06/12/23 |
Online event: Sermon on the Mount: ‘Extensions’ December 6, 2023 – 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. EST For Zoom Link contact: sioncentrefordialogue@gmail.com |
06/12/23 |
Online event: Paradigms of Friendship: What Philosophers and Rabbis Can Teach Us (Fall learning series, “Two Are Better Than One:” Friendship in Jewish Text, Thought, and Life) December 4, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Presenter, Rabbi Eliezer Diamond, PhD, Rabbi Judah Nadich Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics. Register. Video |
04/12/23 |
Online event: "Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism is Built into our World, and How We Can Change it" December 3, 2023 – 12:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
03/12/23 |
Online event: The Mother of God in Art, Theology and Music Hosted by the Centre for Marian Studies and the School of Theology (St. Mary’s University, London, UK) December 2, 2023 – 5:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST Register for more details. |
02/12/23 |
Hybrid: “Climate Crisis: Finding Hope through a Trinitarian View of Creation” WCCM-Toronto Talk and Dialogue on Climate Crisis by The Canadian Christian Meditation Community November 30, 2023 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. EST In-person registration. Location: St. Paul's Bloor Street, 227 Bloor Street East, Toronto, ON M4W 1C8 Online registration. |
30/11/23 |
Online event: Friendship During Crisis: Learning from the Book of Job (Fall learning series, “Two Are Better Than One:” Friendship in Jewish Text, Thought, and Life) November 27, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST With Rabbi Mychal Springer, Adjunct Professor, JTS, and Manager of Clinical Pastoral Education at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. Register. Video |
27/11/23 |
Online event: Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? A Talmudic Teaching (Fall learning series, “Two Are Better Than One:” Friendship in Jewish Text, Thought, and Life) November 20, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST By Dr. Aaron Koller, Adjunct Professor, JTS, and Professor of Near East Studies, Yeshiva University. Register. Video |
20/11/23 |
Online event: A special Session for non-Jewish Clergy November 15, 2023 - 12:00 - 1:15 p.m. EST Register. Video |
15/11/23 |
Online event: Friendship and Interfaith Engagement (Fall learning series, “Two Are Better Than One:” Friendship in Jewish Text, Thought, and Life) November 13, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Presenter: Dr. Benedicte Sere, Visiting Professor, JTS, and Associate Professor of Medieval History, University of Paris Nanterre, Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Register. Video |
13/11/23 |
Online event: Kristallnacht: A teachable Moment (For teachers and students) November 8, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST In this webinar, Sheryl Ochayon of Yad Vashem will discuss some of the important events during Shoah and explore the ways we should stand against all kinds of aggression, hate and crime. Register. Video |
08/11/23 |
Friars Student Writing Contest 2024 (November 8, 2023 - January 15, 2024) High School Students (ages 13-19 years) from the Catholic District School Boards in the Archdiocese of Toronto are invited to participate in this annual event. It is a part of the celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) from January 18-25 around the world. |
08/11/23 |
Online ICJS Minicourse: Antisemitism (Un)defined October 30, 2023 - 7 - 8:30 p.m. 3x Weekly on Mondays Class 1 - The History and Politics of Defining Antisemitism Class 2 - Israel and Antisemitism: Two definitions, two worldviews Class 3 - Definitions of Hate as Political Engagement: Antisemitism in the 21st Century |
30/10/23 |
Online event: Across the Atlantic: Lifesaving Friendships During the Holocaust (Fall learning series, “Two Are Better Than One:” Friendship in Jewish Text, Thought, and Life) October 30, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST In this session, Dr. Edna Friedberg will present the value of friendship and will explore how North Americans saved the lives of their European Jewish friends escape from the atrocities of Nazi rule. Register. Video |
30/10/23 |
Webinar: Christopher Leighton (ICJS) "Contending with Christian Supersessionism: When Best Intentions Falter" October 22, 2023 - 12:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
22/10/23 |
Online course: The Afterlife: Classical Jewish Views October 17, 24, 31, November 7, 2023 - 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. EST This course is conducted by Dr. Benjamin Sommer from Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). He will examine both biblical and rabbinic understandings of resurrection and immortality. Register. |
17/10/23 |
Online event: "Removing the Shadow on the Cross: Rooting Out Antisemitism from Christian Teaching". By John Pawlikowski, Catholic Theological Union (CTU) October 15, 2023 - 12:00 p.m. (noon) EST Register. Video |
15/10/23 |
Inter-Generational Diaspora Engagement Seminar-Opportunities & Challenges This seminar is co-hosted by the Canadian Bible Society and Vision Ministries. October 14, 2023 - 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. EST See details & Register. |
14/10/23 |
Three-part online series: Ritual & Emotion: Exploring the Jewish High Holy Days Session Three: Sadness and the Rituals of Mourning October 10, 2023 - 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. EST Dr. Elana Stein Hain in this session discuss rituals, not of the high holiday season, but of mourning and death in general. She will explore how individuals, families and communities go through layers of emotional experiences during these rituals and find peace while navigating their grief. See details & Register. Video |
10/10/23 |
In-Person: Emergency Rally for the People of Israel October 09, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. EST Mel Lastman Square 5100 Yong Street, Toronto Many Community Organizations and Churches will gather to pray for life and peace for all, and a speedy resolution to the crisis in the Holy Land. |
09/10/23 |
Online Course: Christian Rescuers during the Holocaust October 02-17, 2023 - 7:00 a.m. EST This course will identify forms of rescue provided by Christians during the Holocaust. Register. Video |
02/10/23 |
Livestream event: The Ecumenical Prayer Vigil September 30, 2023 - 10:30 a.m. EST An Ecumenical Prayer Vigil will take place just before the opening of the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome to pray for the visible unity among Christians. Pope Francis will be joined by representatives of various Christian traditions. Check further details. Watch livestreamed Ecumenical Prayer service. |
30/09/23 |
Three-part online series: Ritual & Emotion: Exploring the Jewish High Holy Days Session Two: Joy and Sukkot September 26, 2023 - 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. EST Dr. Elana Stein Hain in this second session will examine how rituals bring out joy on Jewish holidays and Sukkot in particular, and how this happiness is meant to shape community. See details & Register. Video |
26/09/23 |
Online Learning Series: Week 4: “How Shall It all End? Ecclesiastes, Yizkor, and Shemini Atzeret” (The Torah of the Celebrations in the Jewish New Year) September 26, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. EST Register. Video |
26/09/23 |
Livestream event: Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby receives Paul Watson Christian Unity Award September 23, 2023 - 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST The 14th Paul Wattson Christian Unity Award will be presented to His Grace, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury at Graymoor in Garrison, New York by the Franciscan Friars, and Sisters of the Atonement. Read other details and watch livestream event. |
23/09/23 |
Online Event: One Shtetl’s Story: A Microcosm of the Life and Fate of Jewish Civilization in Europe September 19, 2023 - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
19/09/23 |
Online Learning Series: Week 3: “The Yom Kippur Avodah (Temple Rites) as a Template for Spiritual Practice” (The Torah of the Celebrations in the Jewish New Year) September 19, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. EST Register. Video |
19/09/23 |
Free Online Course: Cyber Ethics September 18, 2023 - (12 weeks course) This online course will explore questions related to cyber ethics, artificial intelligence, freedom, responsible citizenship, economics, bullying and protection of the vulnerable, religion, and democratic participation. Register. |
18/09/23 |
Online Learning Series: Week 2: “The Sacrifices of Hagar, Ishmael, and Isaac” (The Torah of the Celebrations in the Jewish New Year) September 12, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. EST Register. Video |
12/09/23 |
Three-part online series: Ritual & Emotion: Exploring the Jewish High Holy Days Session One: Anger and Kol Nidre September 12, 2023 - 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. EST Dr. Elana Stein Hain in this first session will examine the impact of anger on communal life and individual interaction and what can we learn from Kol Nidre about confronting the role that anger plays in our lives. See details & Register. Video |
12/09/23 |
Online Learning Series: Week 1: “Building a Way Back: Exile and Return as a Spiritual Paradigm” (The Torah of the Celebrations in the Jewish New Year) September 6, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. EST The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) faculty presents a weekly online series of biblical texts read during many of the fall celebrations and holidays of the Jewish community. These sessions can help Catholics understand Jewish interpretations of the scriptures we share and possibly find commonality in perspectives for living this learning. Register. Video |
06/09/23 |
Online Event: Testimony and Digital Literacy: Countering Anti-semitism with Testimony September 5, 2023 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
05/09/23 |
Online Event: How Saba Kept Singing: The Power of Music in Auschwitz and Beyond August 21, 2023 - 4:00 p.m. EST Register. Video |
21/08/23 |
In-Person: Weekend Retreat: Theme: ‘I Have Faith in You: Following Christ on Untrod Paths’. July 28-30, 2023 - 9:30 a.m. EST St. Mary of Refuge, 206 Barry Road, Madoc, ON For registration contact: info@stmarysrefuge.org or call @ 613-473-2679 |
28/07/23 |
Online Event: The Power of Words: How What We Say Affects Us and Those Around Us. July 10, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
10/07/23 |
In-Person: Compassionate Community Care Training Patient advocacy training for volunteers, led by Kathy Matusiak Costa and Alex Schadenberg. July 5 & 6, 2023 Register. |
05/07/23 |
Rescue and Rescuers during the Holocaust, July 2023 July 3-17,2023 - 7:00 a.m. - 11:59 p.m. EST Register. |
03/07/23 |
Webinar: Life After Death: Exploring the Aftermath of the Holocaust June 28, 2023 - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
28/06/23 |
Community Leadership Program (CLP) in Jerusalem: On Hierarchy and Social Equality and the Liberal Jew Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer (President-Shalom Hartman Institute) June 28, 2023 Video. |
28/06/23 |
Community Leadership Program (CLP) in Jerusalem: Mystery and Ritual and the Liberal Jew Dr. Sara Labaton (Director of Teaching-Shalom Hartman Institute) June 27, 2023 In this week-long, text-based study seminar leading scholars investigate and develop better understanding of the core challenges impacting Jewish life and find ways to strengthen the Jewish communities. Video. |
27/06/23 |
Online Event: Patient Change, Slow Influence: The Model of the Rabbis of Late Antiquity June 26, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
26/06/23 |
Its Not About You: Obligation and the Liberal Jew. June 23, 2023 (Ideas for Today - Shalom Hartman Institute) Video. |
23/06/23 |
Sacrifice and the Liberal Jew. June 22, 2023 (Ideas for Today - Shalom Hartman Institute) Video. |
22/06/23 |
Webinar: Teaching with Dimensions in Testimony: Meet Nuremberg Prosecutor Ben Ferencz June 15, 2023 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
15/06/23 |
Online Event: God: Growing in Understanding and Loving June 12, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
12/06/23 |
Grand Opening Ceremony: Toronto Holocaust Museum June 9, 2023 - 10:00 a.m. EST Watch opening ceremony. Photo (Mr. Nate Leipciger, Holocaust Survivor and Educator and the Director of Office for Promoting Christian Unity & Religious Relations with Judaism) |
09/06/23 |
In-Person: 2023 Dr. Victor Goldbloom Award: CIJA Honours Bruce J. Clemenger Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) honoured Bruce J. Clemenger with the 2023 Dr. Victor Goldbloom Award for Outstanding Interfaith Leadership. Clemenger is senior ambassador and president emeritus of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC). Many members of the Christian Jewish Dialogue of Toronto (CJDT) attended the Ceremony. Photo. |
06/06/23 |
Online Event: “Perhaps They Will Listen”: Prophets and the Art of Persuasion June 5, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Part of our summer learning series, The Dynamics of Change by Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) Register. Video. |
o5/06/23 |
Webinar: The Threat is Real: Understanding and Countering Anti-semitism Today May 23, 2023 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
23/05/23 |
Virtual Event: Mariology Conference (Meeting) 2023 By the Mariological Society of America (MSA) May 23 - 26, 2023 This year, two sessions will specifically explore the place of Our Lady and the Unity of the Church in the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Register. Poster. |
23/05/23 |
Virtual Event: Rav Kook & The Religious-Zionist Aspiration Essential Texts of Zionist Thought and Modern Jewish Identity by Regev Ben-David May 23, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
23/05/23 |
Hybrid: A Heart of Many Rooms: The Visions of Rabbi David Hartman with Rabbi Frydman-Kohl May 17, 24, 31 & June 7, 2023 - 7:45 - 9:15 p.m. EST Beth Tzedec Congregation 1700 Bathurst Street Toronto ON M5P 3K3 Register. Video recording: May 17, May 24, May 31 and June 7. |
17/05/23 |
Hybrid: The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation (NAOCTC) May 16-18, 2023. St. Augustine’s Seminary, Toronto The 101st meeting was hosted by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops |
16/05/23 |
Virtual Event: Ahad Ha’am & Cultural-Secular Judaism Essential Texts of Zionist Thought and Modern Jewish Identity by Regev Ben-David May 16, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Video. |
16/05/23 |
Virtual Event: Herzl-Between Theodor & Benjamin Ze’ev Essential Texts of Zionist Thought and Modern Jewish Identity by Regev Ben-David May 9, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Video. |
09/05/23 |
2023 National Workshop on Christian Unity (NMCU) May 8-11, 2023 Milwaukee, WI |
08/05/23 |
Webinar: “Faith Seeking Wisdom: Scott MacDougall on the Shape of Anglican Theology” May 8, 2023 - 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST Register. |
08/05/23 |
Live Streamed Event: 44th Annual Christian Commemoration of the Shoah Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 10:30 a.m. EST Theme: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Check live stream link. |
23/04/23 |
Webinar: Teaching about Genocide April 20, 2023 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST Sponsor: Echoes & Reflections Register. Resource for Teaching about Genocide |
20/04/23 |
Online Course with Dr. Stefanie Siegmund: “The Ketubbah: What It Reveals About Jewish Life Through the Ages” Four Thursdays: April 20, 27; May 4, 11 - 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. EST Sponsor: The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) online learning Register. |
20/04/23 |
In-Person: Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah 2023 Community Commemoration of the Holocaust April 17 - 7:00 p.m. Holy Blossom Temple, 1950 Bathurst St. Toronto United Jewish Appeal, Toronto's (UJA) Holocaust Education Centre invites you to join, alongside partner organizations, for an in-person, community-wide Yom HaShoah commemoration. Video. |
17/04/23 |
Webinar: Strategy 2023-2027, Ethical Leadership through Higher Education and Global Engagement April 5, 2023 - 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. EST Register. Article. Video. |
05/04/23 |
In-Person: Ontario Prayer Breakfast 2023 April 3, 2023 - 7:15 - 9:00 a.m. EST Venue: Arcadian Court Simpson Tower (8th Floor), 401 Bay Street, Toronto Register for Tickets. |
03/04/23 |
Summer Course Rome - "Ecumenism: A Catholic Perspective" 26 June - 14 July 2023 Organized by Centro Pro Unione (A Ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement) Deadline for application: March 31, 2023 Register. |
31/03/23 |
Hybrid: Annual Jakob Jocz Lecture: “Hear O Israel! The Shema in John’s Gospel” March 30, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. EST Speaker: Dr. Lori Baron (Saint Louis University) Watch live stream. |
30/03/23 |
Webinar: Athletes and the Holocaust: Rudi Ball and Margaret Lambert March 29, 2023 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
29/03/23 |
Marian Typology in the Book of Esther Theme: Banquets and Queens: Esther as Prefiguration of Mary at Cana By Dr. Robert Miller For details, access Video or PowerPoint Presentation |
24/03/23 |
Online Event: "Humble Faith as Response to Idolatrous Religion" God in an Age of Certainty and Instability series By Rabbi Dr. Joshua Ladon March 23, 2023 - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
23/03/23 |
Righteous Among the Nations: March 21, 2023 The Consulate General of Israel, Toronto and the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem hosted a special ceremony to honour and recognize Mr. Stanislaw Kolodziejski for his compassion and heroic actions during WW2 which will continue to inspire future generations. Photo |
21/03/23 |
Join for an in-person conversation with author David de Jong on his book Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany's Wealthiest Dynasties, moderated by Carson Phillips. March 20, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. EST Register. |
20/03/23 |
Online Event: "Faith Beyond Certainty" God in an Age of Certainty and Instability series. By Rabbi Dr. Joshua Ladon March 16, 2023 - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
16/03/23 |
Online Course with Dr. Robbie Harris: “Retelling the Story: What Was the Biblical Exodus”? Three Tuesdays: March 14, 21, 28 - 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. EST Sponsor: The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) online learning. Register. |
14/03/23 |
Webinar: The Holocaust, Testimony, And Social Emotional Learning March 14, 2023 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
14/03/23 |
Free Online Mini Course: Connecting the Past with Today: Jewish Refugees and the Holocaust March 13 - 28, 2023 - 7:00 a.m. EST Register. |
13/03/23 |
Online Course with Dr. Sarah Wolf: “Mitzvot: Obligation in Jewish Thought” Four Mondays: March 13, 20, 27; April 3 - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. EST Sponsor: The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) online learning. Register. |
13/03/23 |
Online Course with Dr. Stefanie Siegmund: “The Jews of Renaissance Italy” Four Thursdays: March 9, 16, 23, 30 - 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. EST Sponsor: The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) online learning. Register. |
09/03/23 |
Online Event: "Between Mystery and the Rational: Several Paths to the Mountain" God in an Age of Certainty and Instability series. By Rabbi Dr. Joshua Ladon March 9, 2023 - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
09/03/23 |
Webinar: Women in the Holocaust: Their Day-to-Day Struggles March 8, 2023 - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
08/03/23 |
Free Online Mini Course: Analyzing Propaganda and Teaching Media Literacy Especially for Teachers. March 6 - 21, 2023 - 7:00 a.m. EST Register. |
06/03/23 |
In-Person: Friars Student Essay Writing Competition Award Ceremony 2023 The prize winners will receive their awards at a post-Mass ceremony. The Essays can be read at The Catholic Register Webpage. Sunday, March 5, 2023 - 10.00 a.m. EST Venue: Holy Name Church 71 Gough Ave (Danforth/Pape), Toronto, ON M4K 3N9 Presiding: Bishop Robert Kasun |
05/03/23 |
Virtual Event: National World Day of Prayer 2023 Virtual Service March 4, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST |
04/03/23 |
Free Online Event: Ministry of Presence: A portrait of chaplains March 1, 2023 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EST Register. Video. |
01/03/23 |
Webinar: Between Law and Narrative in the Talmud February 27, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register for participation and further information. Video |
27/02/23 |
ICJS Webinar: Antisemitism and Islamophobia February 16, 2023 - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. EST Video. |
16/02/23 |
Virtual Event: Common Book Read to celebrate the work of Professor Amy-Jill Levine The Book: The Bible with and Without Jesus: How Jews and Christians Read the Same Stories Differently, by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler. February 16, 2023 - 12:00 - 2:00 pm EST Register. Video. |
16/02/23 |
In-Person: Death and Dying in Canada Kathy Matusiak: Compassionate Community Care This talk is hosted by St. John the Compassionate Mission February 15, 2023 - 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For more information, contact: St. John the Compassionate Mission 416-466-1357 | info@stjohnsmission.org 155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto M4M 2E9 |
15/02/23 |
Online Event: “The Tent of Meeting: Central or Marginal?” February 13, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Spring learning series, “The Space In-Between: Thresholds and Borders in Jewish Life and Thought.” With Dr. Benjamin Sommer, professor of Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages, JTS Register. Video. |
13/02/23 |
In-Person: Death and Dying in Canada Panel discussion: The Christian understanding of the moment of death, and how to prepare for it. This talk is hosted by St. John the Compassionate Mission February 8, 2023 - 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For more information, contact: St. John the Compassionate Mission 416-466-1357 | info@stjohnsmission.org 155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto M4M 2E9 |
08/02/23 |
The Pharisees: What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us February 6, 2023 - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST Video. |
06/02/23 |
Webinar: Between this World and the Next: Rabbinic Visions of Purgatory February 6, 2023 - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST Register for participation and further information. Video. |
06/02/23 |
Webinar by ICCJ: From Antijudaism to Contemporary Anti-semitism: Continuities and Discontinuities February 5, 2023 - 2:00 p.m. EST Video. |
05/02/23 |
International Ecumenical Conference on Synodality: Listening to the West – Synodality according to Anglicans, Lutherans, Reformed, Methodists and Old Catholics Traditions For more details, watch the conference video sessions: January 26, 27 and 28 |
30/01/23 |
In-Person: The candle lighting ceremony for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 26, 2023 - 7: 00 p.m. EST Leah Posluns Theatre (4588 Bathurst Street, North York ON, M2R 1W6) |
26/01/23 |
In-Person: Conference: International Holocaust Remembrance Day: 2023 Holocaust Education Conference Organized by Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) Toronto. January 26-27, 2023 Video. |
26/01/23 |
Online Lecture: Searching for the Sacred: Why Jewish Theology Still Matters January 25, 2023 - 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. EST Register for participation and further information. Video. |
25/01/23 |
Webinar: Podcast for Students: The Human Spirit in the Holocaust January 25, 2023 - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST Register. Recording of the Podcast 1. The Human Spirit in the Holocaust: Refuge in the Circus by Adolf Althoff. 2. The Human Spirit in the Holocaust: Boxing for His Life by Victor Perez. 3. The Human Spirit in the Holocaust: One Fierce Female by Vladka Meed. |
25/01/23 |
In-Person: Death and Dying in Canada ‘Alex Schadenberg: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition This talk is hosted by St. John the Compassionate Mission January 24, 2023 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. For more information, contact: St. John the Compassionate Mission 416-466-1357 | info@stjohnsmission.org 155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto M4M 2E9 |
24/01/23 |
In-Person: The Annual Week of Prayer Service for the Greater Toronto Area January 22, 2023 – 4:00 p.m. EST St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 73 Simcoe St. (@King St. W.), Toronto, ON M5J 1W9. Join His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins and a wide representation of Christian leaders to pray for the restoration of full visible unity willed by Jesus Christ for the Church. Group Photo |
22/01/23 |
Online Prayer and Reflection: Baptism: Ecclesiological Implications of the latest Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Commission January 19, 2023 - 10:30 a.m. EST To celebrate Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Centro pro Unione and Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas cordially invites you for prayer and reflection on the theme of Baptism. For online participation register. |
19/01/23 |
Virtual 8-day Bible Study: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 (January 18-25). “Do good; seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17) 1:15-2:00 p.m. EST daily except Sunday, Jan. 22 which will be at 2:00 p.m. EST Offered by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and the Regina Council of Churches. Register. |
18/01/23 |
Online Course: Introduction to Christian Meditation January 9, 2023 The Canadian Christian Meditation Community invites Christians to join a 6-week an Online Course on Introduction to Christian Meditation. For further information & to register, contact Ann Harwood at aaharwood77@gmail.com |
09/01/23 |
Some of the events sponsored and recommended by our Office in 2022:
Online Conference: “(In Case You Missed It) The Ecumenical Winter is Over December 15, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. EST Rev. Dr Thomas F. Best will be delivering the 25th Annual Conference in honour of the Servants of God Father Paul Wattson and Mother Lurana White (co-founders of the Society of Atonement) at the Centro Pro Unione in Rome. His address, “(In Case You Missed It) The Ecumenical Winter is Over”, gives us a hint of his assessment of the present stage in our search for the visible unity willed by Christ for the Church. |
15/12/22 |
Online Course: Examining the Holocaust and World War II December 12, 2022 – January 16, 2023 This course is of benefit to everyone and is especially of importance to secondary school educators of Religion and European/American/World History as well as other disciplines where the Shoah is treated. |
12/12/22 |
Webinar: Christian Nationalism in International Perspective: Lessons and Legacies December 12, 2022 - 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST In this webinar, four distinguished experts on the history of “Christian Nationalism” from various ecclesial traditions will address the continuities, divergences, and strategies of their respective churches in responding to the place of evangelization in the mission of the Church in the world today. |
12/12/22 |
Free online sessions: Three Aspects of an Ethic of Friendship with Gordon Tucker December 1, 2022 - 7:30 p.m. EST (Ethics as Character Development - Video) December 8, 2022 - 7:30 p.m. EST (The Essence and Ethics of Humility - Video) December 15, 2022 - 7:30 p.m. EST (Compassion: An Emulation of God's Friendship - Video) These sessions will help us to learn how we can be our “brother’s keeper”, especially in our heavily immersed lives of social media/technology and many socioeconomic problems. |
01/12/22 |
Virtual lecture: Heschel on Prophecy: Spirituality and Activism with Rabbi Gordon Tucker November 30, 2022 - 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. EST Join this lecture that is part of “Series 3: Great Thinkers Who Have Influenced Conservative Judaism” and expand your understanding of Jewish mysticism & spirituality. |
30/11/22 |
Formal reception in the honour of His Grace Anba Archilides A Papal Vicar and General Bishop for the Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese of Toronto at St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Markham, Ontario. Cardinal Thomas speaking at the reception. |
26/11/22 |
In-Person: Red Wednesday - Ecumenical Prayer Vigil To Remember the Love and Gift of the Martyrs November 16, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. EST @ St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica The Pontifical Charity, Aid to the Church in Need (CAN Canada) and the Archdiocese of Toronto, invite everyone to show solidarity with persecuted Christians around the world by participating in the annual Red Wednesday Prayer Vigil. This service will be presided by Cardinal Thomas Collins who will be joined with many other Christian leaders. That evening, St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica will be lit in red to symbolize the blood of the martyrs. This global initiative is taking place in over 16 countries this year, including Australia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. Please remember there are many other ways to commemorate Red Wednesday, such as wearing red and inviting others to do the same. Salt + Light TV will be airing the service. Plan to attend this vigil to give witness to the power of love and faith in Christ of our persecuted brothers and sisters. Check for further details. A picture of Christian leaders. |
16/11/22 |
In-Person: Musicking: Encountering Judaism and Eastern Christianity through Sacred Song. November 16, 2022 - 7:30 -10:30 p.m. EST @ Charbonnel Lounge, University of St. Michael’s College· 81 St. Mary St., Toronto, ON M5S 1J4 |
16/11/22 |
Virtual Lecture: Fall Shapiro Lecture: “The Dead Sea Scrolls and Jewish-Christian Dialogue” November 07, 2022 - 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. EST Dr. Lawrence H. Schiffman, the Judge Abraham Lieberman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and Director of the Global Institute for Advanced Research in Jewish Studies at New York University, will explore how the discovery and study of these ancient scrolls mark a turning point in understanding biblical history and offer great potential for dialogue today. |
07/11/22 |
Pope Francis in Bahrain (3-6 November 2022) “Unity and witness are essential for ecumenism”, says, Pope Francis. Video. |
04/11/22 |
Annual Lecture: Economos Orthodoxy in America Lecture 2022 November 2, 2022 “Deconstructing Russia’s Ukraine Wars and Understanding the Diplomacy of Religion: Lessons in Orthodox Christianity, Geopolitics, and Power” with Elizabeth H. Prodmorou, Ph.D., senior fellow at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. Video recording of the lecture. |
02/11/22 |
Holocaust Awareness Week 2022 Holocaust Education Week 2022 (HEW) Community Event: Hear it Here First Canadian Society for Yad Vashem Ontario Tribute to Holocaust Survivors
Kristallnacht: A Teachable Moment (Classroom Webinar Registration) Lesson Plan: The Kristallnacht Pogrom – “Night of Broken Glass”. Video |
02/11/22 |
Hybrid: Bat Kol Gathering @ The Mary Ward Centre October 27, 2022 - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. EST In Hebrew, Bat Kol means a heavenly voice or “daughter of a voice”, which reveals God’s will or judgement to human beings. RSVP for in person attendance at petite.batkol@gmail.com |
27/10/22 |
“The Cry for Peace: International Gathering in the Spirit of Assisi" (Ecumenical and Interfaith gathering) The three-day peace summit, held under the theme 'Il Grido della Pace' (The Cry for Peace) at the Colosseum. In the closing ceremony of this 36th annual “Spirit of Assisi” prayer for peace, Pope Francis said, “Religions cannot be used for war. Only peace is holy, and no one is to use the name of God to bless terror and violence. If you see wars around you, do not resign yourselves! The peoples desire peace." See a short video. |
25/10/22 |
Virtual Lecture: Reimagining Sinai and Transforming the Torah in Ancient Judaism October 25, 2022 - 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. EST In this lecture, Dr. Kevin J. Mattison of the University of Connecticut’s Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life will explore what God told Moses and the Israelites on Mont Sinai. The interpretation of the message of Sinai will be unpacked from Deuteronomy to the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Mishnah and beyond, and how that experience may be understood today. |
25/10/22 |
Online Event: The Heritage of Geoffrey Wainwright: Liturgist, Theologian, and Ecumenist October 20, 2022 - 9:30 a.m. EST In this conference, speakers and panelists from various ecclesial traditions will explore and discuss Dr. Wainwright’s (Wesleyan Theologian) legacy and contribution in promoting visible unity among Christians today. |
20/10/22 |
On-line Conference: Building New Bridges Together 2022: Ethics and Values at the Heart of Quality Education October 17 to 19, 2022 - 2:00 - a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST In this conference leading scholars, practitioners, and educational policy makers will explore three vital strategic dimensions of ethics that promotes equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. |
17/10/22 |
Virtual Lecture: The Intersection Between Ecumenism and Justice October 10, 2022 - 8:00 -10:00 p.m. EST The 4th Annual Paul Wattson Lecture that honours the founder of the Society of the Atonement and pioneer of the modern ecumenical movement will be hosted at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago this year. Archbishop Donald Bolen, former official at the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity will explore the place of justice in common witness among Christians. |
10/10/22 |
Free Online Course: Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development This online course addresses salient questions regarding the understanding of social responsibility in the contemporary world. Social responsibility has become one of the key components of corporate governance in the 21st century. |
10/10/22 |
Free Online Course: Ethics in Higher Education for Teaching Professionals The course is intended for faculty members, academic teachers, and researchers in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and will help them recognise, understand, and address ethical issues in personal, institutional, and professional contexts. |
10/10/22 |
Hybrid: Ecumenism & Asceticism 2022 Annual Conference October 7-9, 2022 @ Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City, NY. In this annual meeting, the North American Academy of Ecumenists will engage with questions about the role of asceticism in ecumenical affairs, formation for ecumenical engagement, ecumenical spirituality, liturgy, and prayer. |
07/10/22 |
Free Webinar: Sukkot: The Universal and the Particular October 6, 2022 - 08:15 - 09:15 p.m. EST Sukkot is known as the “Festival of Tabernacles” and the “Feast of Booths”. It is a celebration that commemorates God’s provision in life and the redemption of creation. This is an important session to help us understand the religious celebrations of our Jewish brothers and will explore how Sukkot may be seen as representing potential for all of humanity sisters. |
06/10/22 |
Friars’ Student Writing Contest 2023 (Oct.4, 2022 to Jan. 16, 2023) High School Students (ages 13-19 years) from the Catholic District School Boards in the Archdiocese of Toronto are invited to participate in this annual event. It is a part of the celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) from January 18-25 around the world. |
04/10/22 |
Free Webinar: Yom Kippur: Self-Incrimination and Confession: What We Know and Say about Ourselves September 29, 2022 - 08:15 - 09:15 p.m. EST Participants will discover how our elder brothers and sisters live the biblical ethical imperative that flows from one’s relationship with God, both individually and as a community. Video |
29/09/22 |
Free Webinar: Rosh Hashanah: Transitions, New Beginnings, and New Regrets September 22, 2022 - 08:15 - 09:15 p.m. EST This webinar will provide an opportunity to learn and understand the meaning and importance of transition keeping in mind the historical and religious significance of Rosh Hashanah in Jewish life. Video |
22/09/22 |
Free Online Course: Responsible Leadership This course aims to develop critical thinking about the theory and practice of responsible leadership. It will examine different theories and will focus on dialogical leadership which enables transparent and effective deliberation. |
19/09/22 |
Free Online Course: Cyber Ethics This online course addresses the salient ethical questions in relation to security, technologies and artificial intelligence, freedom and responsible citizenship, economics, bullying and protection of the vulnerable, religion, governance, and democratic participation. |
19/09/22 |
Whose Law? Christians and Jews Rethink the Pharisees September 15, 2022 - 7 - 8 p.m. The speakers are, Professor Amy-Jill Levine, Hartford International University for Religion and Peace. Professor Joseph Sievers, Pontifical Biblical Institute. Professor Shaye J. D. Cohen, Harvard University and Professor Angela Kim Harkins, Boston College. Watch this conversation and find the elusive truth, overcome untruths, and investigate approaches to the Pharisees. |
15/09/22 |
Season of Creation 2022 Theme: Listen to the Voice of Creation It begins on September 1 the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations. Remember, our common prayer and action can help us listen for the voices of those who are silenced. For details check. |
01/09/22 |
Free Online Conference: Law and Ethics August 26-27 - 12:30 p.m. EST This conference is organized by Globethics.net India and Christ Academy Institute of Law. Law and ethics are interconnected and can not be separated from each other. The speakers will explore various aspects of these two and facilitate the participants to understand the relation between Law and Ethics. |
26/08/22 |
Podcast: The Forgotten Exodus Series Monday August 1, 8 ,15, 22, 29 & September 6, 12, 2022 The Forgotten Exodus is a new limited podcast series presented by American Jewish Committee that explores the rich heritage of these Jews, some of whom fled anti-semitism and found refuge in the State of Israel. Each Monday in August and part of September, a new episode of this series that focuses on Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews will be released. See details and watch the video trailer. Video |
01/08/22 |
Identity/Crisis: The Ideas Behind the News is a podcast of the Shalom Hartman Institute. Theme: The “Secular” Rabbis of Israel Rabbi Noga Brenner Samia speaks with Yehuda Kurtzer, how Israel is experiencing a religious renaissance that is redefining Judaism and secularism. Listen to their views about the theme. Video |
26/07/22 |
Virtual event: A People with a Past: The Idea of History in Modern Jewish Thought July 20, 27 - 2:00 - 03:30 p.m. EST How have Jewish thinkers defined the relationship between the modern Jewish individual, the Jewish people, and the Jewish past? Video |
20/07/22 |
Virtual event: How the Rabbis Thought About Work July 19, 26 - 2:00 - 03:30 p.m. EST How did the rabbis understand the ideal role of work in our lives, the kinds of work that are best, and the relationship between work, rest, and play? Video |
19/07/22 |
Free online webinar: Information Session: Ethics and Values at the Heart of Quality Education 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. EST In this information session the Globethics.net Academy Department will be talking about the September-October courses and the importance of ethics and values in the quality education. |
15/07/22 |
Seminar: Creating Peace-Conflict Resolution This workshop is facilitated by Nicholas Sooy. The participants in these two days seminar (July 13-14) will learn about the Orthodox Spiritual Roots of peace making during these challenging and conflicting times. |
13/07/22 |
Free online Webinar: The Pandemic's Impact on Churches: What the Data Show Thus Far 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. EST Dr. Scott Thumma ( A Professor of Sociology of Religion and director of the Hartford Institute for Religion Research at Hartford International University) and project team members will report on findings from three recent surveys of 5000 churches. Video |
27/06/22 |
The Annual Summer course (27 June - 15 July 2022) "Introduction to the Ecumenical & Interreligious Movements from a Roman Catholic Perspective". By: The Centro Pro Unione – Rome, Italy, a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. |
27/06/22 |
Free online event: Jesus and Judaism: Why the Connection Matters 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. EST Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, Distinguished Rabbi Stanley M. Kessler Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Hope International University, will explore how understanding Jesus in his Jewish context brings new meaning to his parables, his politics, and his piety, and it offers a new path as well for Jewish-Christian relations. |
22/06/22 |
Podcast: The Canadian Jewish Difference David Koffman brings us into the Canadian Jewish conversation and discusses how it differs from the American conversation on key issues. Listen to the, Podcast. |
18/06/22 |
Free online conference: Religious Community in a Digital World June 13-6, 2022 For more information, please contact Shawn Sanford Beck @ stmstulearningevent@gmail.com or 306 441 6367 |
13/06/22 |
Webinar: Can Faith and Ethics Heal our Fractured, Technology-Soaked Society? 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. EST Israeli public intellectual Micah Goodman and American social psychologist Jonathan Haidt will unpack their theories on this timely topic. See details for live broadcast and participation. Video |
01/06/22 |
Globetics.net Conference: Developing Sustainable Societies through Higher Education May 26-27 - 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST This conference is organized by the Globethics.net Latin America Office. The Focus is on the role of higher education institutions in the creation of feasible conditions for achieving United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). |
26/05/22 |
Theologians Face the Climate Crisis: What is the responsibility of theologians in the face of today’s climate crisis? 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. EST Join Dr. Mara Benjamin and Dr. Judith Plaskow as they explore this question. The focus of the discussion will be Dr. Mara Benjamin’s recent essay in Sources, "Reading Psalms as the Water Rises". Video. |
25/05/22 |
Online Event: Wisdom, Virtues and Vices in the Book of Proverbs: Some Philosophical and Ethical Considerations. Rapporteur: Rabbi Jack Bemporad 12:00 p.m. EST By: The Centro Pro Unione and John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue. |
19/05/22 |
Blue Table Webinar 3: Working 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. EST How does the way we work influence our humanity? |
18/05/22 |
The book launch: 10:00 a.m. EST The Centro Pro Unione and John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue cordially invite you to the book launch of "The Vatican and Permanent Neutrality". |
17/05/22 |
The Israel We Imagined: When Visions Confront Reality Tuesday, May 10 @ 7:30-9:00 p.m. EST at Beth Tzedec in person & Virtual Join Elana Stein Hain in-person at Beth Tzedec Congregation in Toronto or virtually to explore the ways that people envision Israel’s purpose, and how these visions can conflict with one another. |
10/05/22 |
Christian Commemoration of the Shoah - The theme is "You shall be holy..." |
01/05/22 |
Yom HaShoah Commemoration Video recording of the event The Future of Holocaust Memory – A Responsibility in Translation Video recording of the event |
28/04/22 |
The Centro Pro Unione cordially invites you to the conference: Newman, Wesley and the Logic of Unity: An Inductive Ecumenism 12:00 p.m. EST |
28/04/22 |
Yom HaShoah-Holocaust Remembrance Day. YOM HASHOAH-Fighting Anti-semitism: Passing the torch of memory from the survivors to the next generations. For the Live Broadcast, join March of the Living on their website or on facebook. Video recording of Yom Hashoah. |
28/04/22 |
Yom HaShoah-Holocaust Remembrance Day. EREV YOM HASHOAH -Learning from the past to protect the future For the Live Broadcast, join March of the Living on their website or on facebook. Video recording of Erev Yom Hashoah. |
27/04/22 |
Celebratory Event to Commemorate the Contribution of Barbara Boraks to the Christian Jewish Dialogue of Toronto Video Recording. |
26/04/22 |
Martin Buber: A new biography Please take the opportunity to watch the recording. |
26/04/22 |
Lived Diversity: Observing Passover and Easter Through conversations and storytelling, paired with instruction about each observance, this 13-minute video is a lively presentation of the diverse expressions of our religious traditions. A facilitation guide with questions for discussion and resources for further reading is available. |
14/04/22 |
Free Virtual Event: The Blue Table Webinar 2: Thinking The second virtual session of this series will explore the impact of thinking in evolving relationships. |
13/04/22 |
Online Event: Dialogue as a Sacred Path: Building Our Skills in Talking with One Another A workshop with Dr. Saundra Sterling Epstein (Sunnie). Participants will learn and explore the joys and challenges inherent in dialogue. To Register: rebsherril@outlook.com (Registrants will receive the Zoom link) |
12/04/22 |
Free Online Course: "Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development", offered by Globethics.net. |
11/04/22 |
Online Event: Ontario Prayer Breakfast 2022 |
11/04/22 |
Online Event: Shrinking the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Practical & Ethical Dilemmas Hartman’s first ever Canada-wide event |
10/04/22 |
Shalom Hartman Institute Identity/Crisis Podcast: Yehuda Kurtzer, Joey Weisenberg A Musical Journey with Joey Weisenberg Where does song end and prayer begin? Joey Weisenberg, founder and director of Hadar’s Rising Song Institute and author of The Torah of Music and Building Singing Communities joins Yehuda Kurtzer to discuss the spiritual role of music in Jewish communal life. |
05/04/22 |
Prayer Vigil for Peace and Unity in Ukraine The video recording of the Prayer Vigil for Peace in Ukraine. |
03/04/22 |
Online Event: Holocaust Education and Anti-Semitism: Teaching for today’s classroom Join experts from diverse backgrounds to learn about helpful resources and strategies to raise awareness of the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism. |
03/04/22 |
Online event: The Future of Jewish Catholic Relations 1:00 p.m. EST |
31/03/22 |
Online Event: Ideas for Today: What Do Objects Remember? In a series of talks, The Shalom Hartman Institute is offering a series of talks on the Evolution of Memory: From the Past to the Future. |
29/03/22 |
Video series on the state of Anti-semitism The video series is the latest initiative of American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) campaign to raise awareness of the impact of rising anti-semitism in the Western societies. |
24/03/22 |
The war in Ukraine - Let's pray for peace. Peace Now! Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada. |
22/03/22 |
“Christians and Jews Together: Prayer for Peace in Ukraine and Neighbourhood Community Meeting” Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church on Sunday March 20, 2022. It was sponsored by our Office. The video recording of the event. |
20/03/22 |
The Christian Jewish Dialogue of Toronto (CJDT) issues it's statement on Russian invasion of Ukraine. | 17/03/22 |
Free Virtual Event: The Blue Table Webinar 1: Remembering The webinars run across the whole year on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, starting from March till November with a break in Summer. |
16/03/22 |
Free Virtual Event: As If We Were… How does memory impact our personal, familial, and spiritual lives when it’s not actually ours? By Shalom Hartman Institute. |
15/03/22 |
Online Event: Responsible Leadership Course A free on-line course is being offered by Globethics.net, a consortium of diverse international ecumenical and educational organizations that endeavours to engage in conversations around key ethical questions. |
14/03/22 |
Online Event: Ethics in Higher Education for Teaching Professionals Course A free on-line course is being offered by Globethics.net that is specifically intended for teachers and community leaders. |
14/03/22 |
Online Free Event: Conversation about Peace-making in the Holy Land, with members of the Interfaith Encounter Association on March 6 by CJDT Video |
06/03/22 |
Online Course: Martin Buber and the Life of Dialogue |
28/02/22 |
Online Event: Abrahamic Talks Series: Christian and Jewish Perspectives on Reconciliation Poster. |
24/02/22 |
Online Event: On the Task of Theology: Theological Foundation of Interreligious Dialogue from a Jewish Perspective |
24/02/22 |
Online Event: Walking the Justice Talk: How 4 Baltimore Leaders Put Principles into Practice |
22/02/22 |
Webinar: Join the International March of the Living for Holocaust through cinema with Rich Brownstein in our continuing webinar series. Video |
17/02/22 |
Virtual Event: A Church that Listens: Ecumenical Panel on Synodality. The report on the ecumenical panel on syndodality by Salt + Light Media. |
15/02/22 |
Annual Event: Friars' Student Writing Contest 2022- WIN GREAT PRIZES! Closing at 2:00 p.m. EST |
14/02/22 |
Workshop for Seminarians in Parish Internship, “Ecumenism in the Parish” Feb. 8-9, 2022. |
08/02/22 |
Permanent Diaconate Course: “Spirituality in Pastoral Ministry: Ecumenism and Dialogue in the Context of Evangelization Today” Feb. 5-6, 2022. |
05/02/22 |
Online Course: Jewish and Christian perspectives on Economic Justice: Fairness and Dignity. |
03/02/22 |
Online Lecture: Re-Visiting Creation: Signs of the New Creation in Christ in Images of the Visitation |
01/02/22 |
Online Event:Religion or Nation? Modern Debates about Jewish Identity. Join Leora Batnitzky (Senior Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute). Video. |
27/01/22 |
Online Event: Old Jew, New Jew, Israeli Jew: A Fresh Look at Israeli-Jewish Culture. Video recordings of session 1/3, session 2/3, session 3/3. |
25/01/22 |
Annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Prayer Services 2022 Greater Toronto Area Council of Christian Churches (GTACCC). Neighborhood WPCU Services. 8 Days Bible Study - Prairie Centre for Ecumenism: Video |
23/01/22 |
Online Event: Join the International March of the Living in their continuing survivor speaker series with Gabriella Y. Karin. |
20/01/22 |
Online Event: A Jewish perspective on confronting Religious Hate in our Neighborhoods with Zeke Cohen. |
18/01/22 |
Some of the events sponsored and recommended by our Office in 2021:
Online Event: International Conference 2021: A toolkit for the future of inclusive, equitable and diverse learning Globethics.net (a consortium of diverse international ecumenical and educational organizations) has organized an online conference day to discuss about the possibilities of creating a Future Learning Toolkit and how it can create inclusive, equitable and diverse learning environments. |
10/12/21 |
Virtual Lecture: All Creation Worships: Re-thinking Liturgy in a Time of Ecological Emergency For Web streaming and registration, please visit Centro Pro Unione. |
09/12/21 |
Annual Greater Toronto Area Service 2022 (With Church Leaders). Sponsored by Greater Toronto Area Council of Christian Churches-GTACCC. Hosted by Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, Scarborough. | 08/12/21 |
Online Event: The Manekin-Clark Lecture-Recapturing the Prophetic Tradition: A Challenge for Interreligious Dialogue Dr. Susannah Heschel (daughter of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel) in her lecture will focus on the Jewish perspective of relationship between religion and political movements, and on the question of who should represent religious communities. Video |
06/12/21 |
Online Event: Virtual Chanukah Journey through Israel with Julian Resnick. Video |
01/12/21 |
Annual Luncheon of the Orthodox - Catholic Bishops of Toronto A time of fraternal exchange between Orthodox and Catholic Bishops. Each year on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul (29 June), Archbishop of Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins receives the visit of Orthodox Bishops to celebrate this important day. Similarly on the Feast of St. Andrew (30 November), Patron Saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Archbishop Sotirios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada receives the visit of Catholic Bishops in the Greater Toronto area to celebrate the Feast of St, Andrew and pray for the restoration of full visible unity willed by Jesus Christ for the Church. Picture |
29/11/21 |
Annual Event: Friars' Student Writing Contest 2022- WIN GREAT PRIZES! Closing Date: Monday, February 14, 2022, 2:00 p.m. |
24/11/21 |
Online Blue Table webinar: Ethics and Art As part of the Blue Table Series of Globethics.net (a consortium of diverse international ecumenical and educational organizations), this webinar will invite us to see the arts not only through aesthetic lenses but more so in awareness-raising, educational and mobilizing perspectives. . |
24/11/21 |
Virtual Lecture: The Church of God is Convoked in Synod: Theological and Canonical Challenges Concerning the 2021‒2023 Synod. Professor Myriam Wijlens, of the University of Erfurt (Germany), Consultor to the Synod of Bishops, will deliver the seventh lecture and elaborate the ecumenical perspective of Synod 2021-2023. The lecture will be live streamed on the YouTube channel of the Angelicum. |
19/11/21 |
Virtual Visit to First Narayever Congregation, a historic Jewish congregation in Toronto |
18/11/21 |
7th annual Red Wednesday Prayer Vigil 2021 at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica at 7 p.m. All are welcome! For details, please see the poster. Video |
17/11/21 |
50th Anniversary of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue in Canada The Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada (ARC Canada) began in 1971, and the ARC Bishops’ Dialogue was established in 1975. They are helping Anglicans and Roman Catholics in Canada to become more aware of the theological agreement shared between the two churches. The dialogues have also contributed to the theological work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC). Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue Anniversary Videos can be watched on this link. |
16/11/21 |
Online Event: Exploring the Narrative of Holocaust and Genocide Education in the Public Arena with Dafna Michaelson Jenet, Colorado House of Representatives, by The International March of the Living (MOTL) Video |
16/11/21 |
Virtual Event: Living with Uncertainty: Risks and Rewards Four-part series led by Dr. Elana Stein Hain exploring how rabbinic tradition navigated everyday life’s uncertainties. |
15/11/21 |
Online Christian Meditation Retreat Day |
13/11/21 |
Online Event: 7th Annual Costan Lecture in Early Christianity by Columba Stewart, OSB. Ascetic Influencers: The Manichaeans and the Development of Early Christian Asceticism. |
09/11/21 |
Virtual Event: Digital Reconstructions of Destroyed Synagogues on Nov.9,1938. Video WJC to commemorate Kristallnacht with digital reconstructions of destroyed synagogues on its 83rd anniversary, also known as Kristallnacht, or the night of broken glass. |
09/11/21 |
Virtual Event: Let There Be Light: 2021 Kristallnacht Commemoration International March of the Living and The Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University present "Stories of Hope and Humanity to Illuminate the Darkness" |
09/11/21 |
Righteous Among the Nations ceremony at the Consulate of Israel in Toronto. The State of Israel and the Jewish people have great respect for all those people who saved Jews during the Holocaust by putting their lives at risk. These people are known as Righteous Among the Nations. The Consulate of Israel in Toronto held a very special ceremony to honour a Dutch couple who hid a Jewish boy during the Holocaust. The Director of our Office represented the Archdiocese of Toronto at the ceremony along with many other dignitaries. Details of the event can be found at the Canadian Jewish News. Video |
04/11/21 |
Virtual Book Launch @ 8.00 p.m. EDT: "The Baby and the Bathwater: Aspiration and Reality in the Life of the Church" by Robert J. Suderman, former general secretary for Mennonite Church Canada. No registration is required for live stream. |
28/10/21 |
Webinar: Portraits of Moral Choices during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda: Stories of Perpetrators, Bystanders and Upstanders with Tali Nates, by The International March of the Living (MOTL). |
27/10/21 |
Pope Francis congratulates Patriarch Bartholomew on 30 years as Ecumenical Patriarch. Bartholomew I was elected as the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople of the Eastern Orthodox Church on 22 October 1991, and installed as the 270th successor to the Apostle Andrew a few days later on 2 November. Vatican News |
22/10/21 |
Online Event: God's Terrible Springtime? Ecumenical Purpose and Opportunity in Times of Upheaval A colloquium with the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement and three distinguished guests on the underappreciated power of ecumenism today. In this webinar the panelists will address the feelings of sadness, hopelessness and in what new ways might ecumenism best serve the world in our time of economic, cultural, political, and ecological turmoil? |
20/10/21 |
Online Blue Table webinar 5: Ethics and Economy The Globethics.net Academy (a consortium of diverse international ecumenical and educational organizations) is launching the Blue Table Webinar Series. The webinars will be held on every fourth Wednesday of the month from September to November 2021. |
20/10/21 |
Online Event: Book discussion - A Jewish Perspective on Building ‘Delight Muscles'. ICJS and Maryland Humanities Council are jointly holding this discussion. Video |
20/10/21 |
Online Event: University Students Coffee Hours-Sharing the Gift of Meditation with Real Life Discussions in an Ecumenical Setting. The Canadian Christian Meditation Community along with the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM) have organized weekly moderated introductory sessions on meditation for university students. The moderators will share the fruits of this practice widely and inclusively in an ecumenical setting across Canada. |
19/10/21 |
Online Event: Meditating together for the care of our common home. Christian Meditation Sessions for the Care of Our Common Home for Young People. The World Community for Christian Meditation invites young people from around the world to meditate together for the care of our common home. |
16/10/21 |
Online Event: Anti-semitism, Christianity, and the Holocaust: Reckoning with the Past and Working in the Present The western section of the Washington National Cathedral is dedicated for long commemorated human rights figures. This workshop is hosted by the Washington National Cathedral, surrounding the installation of a stone carving of Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel to the Cathedral's Human Rights Porch. Video |
14/10/21 |
Virtual Symposium on Synodality Hosted by the Anglican Centre and the Centro Pro Unione. For detailed information of the event, please see the poster. |
14/10/21 |
Webinar: Southern Wall Excavations – Jewish life and the celebration of Sukkot in Jerusalem in the time of the Temple with Assaf Boker,by The International March of the Living (MOTL). Video |
23/09/21 |
Online Event: Jewish Perspectives on the Role of Religion in Public Life Today. Video ICJS Scholar Matt Taylor in his conversation with Megan Goodwin and Illyse Morgenstein Fuerst will be discussing the importance of religion in public life and the breakdown of support for religious studies in both public education and universities |
23/09/21 |
Online Blue Table webinar 4: Ethics and Ecology The Globethics.net Academy (a consortium of diverse international ecumenical and educational organizations) is launching the Blue Table Webinar Series. The webinars will be held on every fourth Wednesday of the month from September to November 2021. |
22/09/21 |
Webinar: The Impact of the UN's Antisemitic Durban Conference: 20 Years Later, by American Jewish Committee (AJC). Video |
20/09/21 |
Online Event: Receptive Ecumenism: The Role of the Spirit in New Ecumenical Endeavours. Video Receptive Ecumenism provides a way forward on how the churches can receive the gifts of Holy Spirit from one another in this present stage of unity. Dr. Paul Murray of the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University in England will lead an on-line conversation and speak on the significance of receptive ecumenism, its foundations, and the unique opportunity it provides for new ecumenical endeavours. |
17/09/21 |
Pope in Slovakia: Jewish-Christian dialogue is key to the future Vatican News. |
13/09/21 |
Pope thanks Slovak Jews for opening doors to healing and fraternity. Vatican News. Video |
13/09/21 |
Pope in Slovakia: Churches must unite in contemplation and action. Vatican News. |
12/09/21 |
Webinar: An Integral Part: An Introduction to Eastern Catholicism
11/09/21 |
Cardinal Kurt Koch: Pope seeks to deepen bonds of friendship between Christianity and Judaism. Vatican News. |
10/09/21 |
Online Event: 25th International Marian Mariological Congress. September 8-11 The Pontifical Academia Mariana Internationalis of the Holy See is dedicated to fostering the study of Mariology in view of promoting devotion to Our Blessed Mother.The theme of the congress is "Mary between theologies and cultures today. Models, communications, perspectives." |
08/09/21 |
Annual Event: Season of Creation, September 1 to October 4, 2021- Video. Pope Francis encourages participation in 2021 Season of Creation. Theme: “A home for all? Renewing the Oikos of God”. Video Pope and ecumenical leaders: Caring for God’s creation requires commitment. For resources and more information, please click this link. |
01/09/21 |
Vatican News: Law and grace for Jews and Christians. |
30/08/21 |
News: Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Recent publications of the Faith and Order Commission The Faith and Order Commission was established in 1948. It is a study commission consists of official representatives of Churches belonging to the different streams of Christianity. |
25/08/21 |
Webinar: Private Tour of the Yehoshua Aryeh Fine Art Gallery in Jerusalem. Video |
25/08/21 |
Vatican News: Ecumenical Prayer for the Reunification of two Koreas. |
15/08/21 |
Webinar: The Destruction of the Lithuanian Jews – The Ponary Massacre with Jacob Shoshan. Video |
28/07/21 |
Virtual Public Symposium: July 5-15 (Shalom Hartman Institute). Hope, Love & Compassion: Torah of Possibility for an Uncertain Future. Videos of the Symposium. |
05/07/21 |
The Israel-Diaspora Divide: We Don’t Know Enough About Each Other - AJC Advocacy Anywhere. Video. |
01/07/21 |
Webinar: Briefing on the Rising Tide of Anti-semitism. Video |
30/06/21 |
Holocaust Survivor Day. In their words, "Holocaust survivors deserve a day of joy; a day of celebration. |
24/06/21 |
Virtual Conference: Thinking Interreligiously on Civic Challenges – Water Justice and the Abrahamic Traditions. |
22/06/21 |
Online Event: "Heeding the Spirit: New Horizons in Receptive Ecumenism" by Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University. Video presentations given at an online study day, hosted by the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University in partnership with the Christian Council of Sweden, University College Stockholm, and the Sigtuna Foundation. |
17/06/21 |
Online Event: Dabru Emet: 20 Years Later Roundtable Discussion. To mark the anniversary of this milestone text, the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS) has invited leading Jewish and Christian scholars for a roundtable discussion that will explore the scope and purpose of Dabru Emet for today. |
16/06/21 |
Online Event: Symposium on Euthanasia. For details and registration contact at: info@stjohnsmission.org. |
15/06/21 |
Vatican News: Pope Francis: Together in love, we Christians can change the world. Video. |
09/06/21 |
"We are Neighbours" (2021) Catholics and Evangelicals in Canada. A Study Guide created by The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. |
07/06/21 |
AJC Virtual Global Forum - June 6-9, 2021. The American Jewish Committee (AJC) organized a Virtual Global Forum to discuss issues like anti-semitism and racism around the world. |
06/06/21 |
Online Event: The Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto (CJDT) Presents Conversations of The Heart. |
06/06/21 |
Global Week of Prayer for China A Catholic initiative that aims to promote prayer and solidarity with our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters living in China. The resources for the Global Week of Prayer for China can be looked @. Promo Video. |
23/05/21 |
Statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto. Regarding Conflict in the Middle East, Local Cases of Hatred and Anti-Semitism. |
21/05/21 |
Online event: Equality in Scripture Interpretation Reflecting on the ways in which scripture articulate the call to Equality so needed in our World - Video. By: The Christian-Jewish Dialogue of Toronto (CJDT) |
20/05/21 |
Online Event: Religion in the Public Square: Teachers Talk Religion. For participation and further details, please register @ Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies - Video. |
20/05/21 |
Webinar: Ethics and Democracy. For more information, please visit globethics.net. |
19/05/21 |
Online Event: Free online Christian Meditation Retreat. Please contact Rob and Gail Brooks at rgbrooks2@shaw.ca for registration. A Zoom link will be sent out prior to the retreat. The retreat agenda can be viewed in Toronto time. |
15/05/21 |
Virtual Event: The Texts & Topics Shaping Modern Jewish Life: Exploring The New Jewish Canon. |
29/04/21 |
Online Film Discussion: Film Discussion on the Life and Legacy of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. Video |
28/04/21 |
Online Event: European Churches celebrate 20th anniversary of 'Charta Oecumenica'. To mark the 20th Anniversary of Charta Œcumenica – Guidelines for the Growing Cooperation among Churches in Europe, the Conference of European Churches (CEC). together with the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE). Video |
22/04/21 |
Online Event: Ecumenical Readings of “For the Life of the World: Toward A Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church” And Its Implications for the Global Context. Click,for details. |
21/04/21 |
German Ecumenical Week for Life focuses on "Life in Dying". April 17-24 |
17/04/21 |
35 years since Pope St John Paul II’s historic visit to Rome’s Synagogue. |
13/04/21 |
Online discussion: Compassionate Listening Project and Its Children of Abraham Initiative. Video |
11/04/21 |
Virtual Event: 2021 International March of the Living Commemoration and Ceremony to observe “Yom HaShoah”. Video |
08/04/21 |
Online discussion: Medicine and Morality: Lessons from the Holocaust and COVID-19. Video | 07/04/21 |
Online event: Being a Eucharistic People in Digital Space: Liturgy in the Time of COVID. Video |
31/03/21 |
Virtual Event: Ontario Prayer Breakfast 2021. Video | 29/03/21 |
Virtual Conference: “The Ethics of Law in Judaism”. By Prof. Menachem Lorberbaum Professor of Jewish Philosophy and Talmud, Tel Aviv University. |
25/03/21 |
Webinar Series: Nurturing Friendship: The Directory of Catechesis in Dialogue with Fratelli Tutti. "The Catechist builds bridges with diverse faith communities”. Keynote: Julien Hammond Response by: Charles Peters |
23/03/21 |
Friars’ Student Writing Contest 2021: The prize winners of the Writing Contest. | 20/03/21 |
Birthday Celebration: 101st Birthday celebration Rabbi Irwin Schild | 09/03/21 |
World Day of Prayer: Friday, March 05, 2021 Theme of the World Day of Prayer for 2021 is “Build on Strong Foundation” (Matthew 7:24-27). Video |
05/03/21 |
Virtual Event: Truth Difference and Loyalty, An interfaith symposium exploring the ways in which faith engenders connections with others. Videos |
15/02/21 |
Online Course: “Together Towards Unity. Being Church in a Fragmented World.” The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Institute at Bossey in Switzerland is broadening its repertoire of courses in Ecumenical Studies. | 12/02/21 |
Virtual Event: “Our Liberation: Stories of Holocaust Survivors’ Road to Freedom”. Video | 27/01/21 |
Online Prayer Service: Annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Toronto. | 24/01/21 |
Virtual Bible Study: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021 (January 18-25). “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (cf. John 15:5-9). |
18/01/21 |
Some of the events sponsored and recommended by our Office in 2020:
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops: ‘The Psalms: A Doorway to Jewish-Catholic Dialogue.’ |
16/12/20 |
Online Discussion: Hanukkah, Greeks, and Jews, Then and Now: A Conversation with H.E. Archbishop Elpidophoros, leader of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Rabbi Noam Marans, AJC Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations. Video of a discussion |
Kids4Peace webinar: Laying Foundations of Peace in the Holy Land- Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Toronto and the Christian Jewish Dialogue of Toronto. |
06/12/20 |
Guide to Assist Bishops in Promoting Christian Unity: |
04/12/20 |
Online Conversation: The Holiday Season During a Pandemic: A Conversation with H.E. Timothy Cardinal Dolan and Rabbi Noam Marans – AJC Advocacy Anywhere. Video | 03/12/20 |
March of the Living Canada Survivor Speaker Series: Mania Hudy. Video |
03/12/20 |
Online Event: Recognition, Justice, and Development: Peoples of African Descent & Canadian Churches. Video | 26/11/20 |
Online Prayer Service: Annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Toronto. |
25/11/20 |
The Friars’ Student Writing Contest for High School Students. The prize Winners of the Writing Contest. |
25/11/20 |
Online Event: “The Proto- Ecumenical Dialogue of Abba Mika’el, Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon” Video |
18/11/20 |
A Special Prayer Service for Peace in Armenia / Artaskh: The Holy Trinity Armenian Church. |
16/11/20 |
March of the Living global interfaith initiative to commemorate Kristallnacht: Let There Be Light. Video |
09/11/20 |
Online Event: God, Science and Religion - Speaker, Rabbi Jack Bemporad The Centro Pro Unione and the John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue. Video |
05/11/20 |
Online Event:The Canadian Council of Churches: Faster, Higher, Better? Moral Bioenhancement and Christianity. Video |
14/10/20 |
Virtual Event: The Future of Orthodox-Catholic Relations in the USA - Orthodoxy in America Lecture, Fordham University. Video |
21/09/20 |
Pope Speaks to Pilgrims: Church becomes sick when not proclaiming Gospel , Pope Francis. Video |
20/09/20 |
Online Event: Ecology & Ecumenicity: Facing Division and Imagining Reconciliation in the Care of Our Common Home. Video |
18/09/20 |
Virtual Book Launch: "Jesuit Kaddish: Jesuits, Jews, and Holocaust Remembrance" the latest publication by James Bernauer, S.J. by the Center for Christian Jewish Learning at Boston College USA. Video |
16/09/20 |
Online Event: In Season of Creation, “no action or initiative is too small to begin” |
09/09/20 |
Message of his Holiness Pope Francis: The World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. |
01/09/20 |
Season of Creation 2020: ‘Jubilee for the Earth’ Joint statement issued by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of CCEE, and Rev. Christian Krieger, President of CEC |
27/08/20 |
*Source for the image at the top of the webpage: Wikimedia Commons