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The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds
Patience, prayer and trust in the Lord!
In his homily from Sunday, July 23, 2023, during Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica, Archbishop Francis Leo reflects on Jesus the great teacher and his parable of the wheat and the...
The Heart, the Crown, the Flame
by Fr. Favin Alemao
The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus entered my life at a very young age. My family home, which was adorned with a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of...
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Fount of Consolation
by Fr. Joshua Lobo
In a church in Italy just meters away from the Pope's summer residence at Castel Gandolfo is a small side chapel with a sign that captures your attention as soon as you enter. Without any...
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
While it would be magnificent to have access to a time travel contraption like you might see in movies or on TV so that we could go back in time roughly 2000 years to witness the first Pentecost, we don...
Imitating the Good Shepherd
Reflecting on the image of the Good Shepherd (Jn 6:53-69), Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in Colgan and host of the popular Catholic Latte podcast speaks about the compelling and attractive quality of...
Seeking Clarity About Christ
Reflecting on the Gospel story of the Road to Emmaus (Lk 24:13-35), Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in Colgan and host of the popular Catholic Latte podcast speaks about the importance of seeking...
Understanding the Mystery of Life
Life is a path, a pilgrimage; it is a journey we walk with the Lord and with others. Watch Archbishop Leo’s homily from the Third Sunday of Easter:
Mystery of Life
Mercy Changes Lives
Love and self-sacrifice go hand in hand – ask any parent!
Check out Archbishop Leo’s homily from Divine Mercy Sunday:
Divine Mercy Homily
Christos Anesti! Alothos Anesti!
In his Easter homily, Archbishop Leo talks about the imagery around the most joyous day of the church calendar. Watch the homily here:
Christos Anesti!
The World Needs a Jesus Revolution
There was a popular song that was written in the 1960’s that proclaimed: “What the world needs now is love, sweet love, it’s the only thing that there is just too little of. What the...
Serve the Lord with Gladness
In Cardinal Collins’ final Sunday homily as Archbishop of Toronto, he talks about the role of Bishop, and how a Bishop must guide the flock of Christ and keep it safe. Watch the entire homily here:
St. Patrick: A Shepherd of Souls
Patrick, the teenage shepherd of sheep, was called by God to be a shepherd of souls. Watch Cardinal Collins as he speaks on the feast of St. Patrick from the annual Mass of St. Patrick held at St. Michael's...