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Lay Associations


Code of Canon Law, c. 298: §1. In the Church there are associations distinct from institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life; in these associations the Christian faithful, whether clerics, lay persons, or clerics and lay persons together, strive in a common endeavor to foster a more perfect life, to promote public worship or Christian doctrine, or to exercise other works of the apostolate such as initiatives of evangelization, works of piety or charity, and those which animate the temporal order with a Christian spirit. §2. The Christian faithful are to join especially those associations which competent ecclesiastical authority has erected, praised, or commended.​​​

Resources/Reflection for Lay Movements:

Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life – supports the life and development of international associations of the faithful, ecclesial movements and new communities. Resources, news and other updates can be found by clicking here.

The Ecclesial Movements – A Theological Reflection on Their Place in the Church – Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger - Proceedings of the World Congress of the Ecclesial Movements Rome, 27-29 May 1998. This thoughtful and insightful reflection can be found here.


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Morning Light Ministry, Mississauga

11 Peter St South
Mississauga, L5H 2G1

National Association of Catholic Nurses - Canada, Toronto

PO Box 19525, Manulife PO
Toronto, M4W 3T9

Natural Family Planning Association, Toronto

3050 Yonge Street, Suite 205
Toronto, M4N 2K4

One Hour With Jesus, Maple

73 Crieff Avenue
Maple, L6A 2B9

Open In Spirit to God (Bld)Mississauga @ Sfx, Mississauga

c/o St. Francis Xavier Parish
Mississauga, L5V 2N6

Orden Del Camino De Santiago, Hamilton

557 Upper Paradise Road
Hamilton, L9C 5E4

Our Lady of Guadalupe Devotees, Markham

48 Bradley Rd.
Markham, L3S 1N6

Pax Christi Toronto - Catholics for Peace, Newmarket

33 Eastman Crescent
Newmarket, L3Y 5T9


5315 Thornwood Drive
Mississauga, L4Z 3H1

Precious Blood of Christ Prayer Community, Toronto

St Charles Borromeo Parish
Toronto, M6A 1C3

Queen of Peace Medjugorje Centre, Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill, L4C 0X6

Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine, Ajax

50 Cluett Drive
Ajax, L1S 7C3

Right to Life Mississauga & Area, Mississauga

2656 Crystalburn Ave
Mississauga, L5B 2N8

Schoenstatt Movement , Toronto

694 Weston Rd.
Toronto, M4T 1V8

Serra Canada Council, Unionville

100 Anna Russell Way PH10
Unionville, L3R 6C7

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