Keynote Address: The two disciples on the road to Emmaus had the "right kind of heartburn" as they reflected on their time on the road with the Risen Christ: "were not our hearts burning within us?" Today, more than ever, we need to set hearts on fire for Jesus Christ. In this keynote address, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will explore how we go about cultivating the "right kind of heartburn" through catechesis that is evangelizing. |
Liturgy, Mystagogical Catechesis, and Parish Vitality Once downcast, two of the disciples encountered a stranger on the walk to Emmaus; Scripture was interpreted, stories were shared, and the Risen Christ was revealed in the breaking of the bread. Our parishes, like the disciples, can be transformed when they intentionally commit themselves to breaking open the mysteries – a life of mystagogy. This session will inspire participants to approach all of parish life through the practice of mystagogical living. |
Witnessing Faith: The Parish and the Domestic Church While the Pandemic has been an incredible hardship for all, some good has come out of it. For one, we all know how to Zoom now! More importantly, families rose to the challenge of taking on more responsibility for their children's faith formation. And that's as it should be! In this session, we will explore how the parish can and must continue to build and strengthen the "domestic church" in the post-pandemic era and help parents and others to witness faith to their children and to one other in an ongoing fashion. |
A Catechesis of Hope This joint session will explore the paradigm shift in continuing adult formation in the latter half of life as outlined in the New Directory of Catechesis. David will explore a Catechesis of Hope through the changing dynamic of ministry both for and with maturing members of the parish community both as adults needing ongoing formation and as adults who still have much to offer within the parish. Linda will explore the Catechesis of Hope through the fulfillment of the journey of faith in the elderly person in terms of thanksgiving, hopeful expectation, and what can be offered to caregivers and family members at this time. Both sections of this workshop will offer a look at how we as parish ministry leaders might engage and accompany maturing members of our communities through a Catechesis of Hope. |
Restoring Parish Vitality in a Post-Pandemic World We have come through the cross of a modern-day plague - the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past year, many of the faithful have been unable to attend Mass. Our "modern-day road to Emmaus" for the disciple is one of self-isolation at home that has led many to feel separated from the Sacraments and one another. We collectively wonder how long it will take for parish life to recover. Added to this uncertainty, is the burden that many parishes may feel like they will be in survival mode when it comes time to fully reopen. This important conversation will be the focus of the session. To help us get started - through the course of considerable consultation with pastors and laity - we have formed a panel to join you in tackling the difficult but important topic of restoring parish vitality in a post-pandemic world. We hope you will join us for the conversation. |
How the New Directory for Catechesis Calls Us to Think, Talk, and Go About Catechesis Differently While the Gospel is unchanging, the way we proclaim it needs to change with the times. The previous General Directory for Catechesis (1997) was written before anyone had ever heard of selfies, Wikipedia, streaming music, gender reveal parties or even Google! Our world changes at a fast and furious pace, and we in the catechetical ministry need to adapt the way we present the timeless message of Jesus Christ to each generation. In this keynote and roundtable discussion, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will provide an overview of the new Directory for Catechesis (2020), along with implications for how we think about, talk about, and go about doing the work of catechesis.
Lectio Divina